Source code for flyeye.analysis.spectrogram

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from astroML.time_series import lomb_scargle, lomb_scargle_bootstrap

[docs]class Spectrogram: """ Object for spectral decomposition of a 1-D timeseries via Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Internal functions are based on AstroML library. Attributes: t (np.ndarray) - timepoints y (np.ndarray) - values dy (np.ndarray) - estimated measurement error periods (np.ndarray) - oscillation periods tested (same units as t) omegas (np.ndarray) - oscillation frequencies tested PS (np.ndarray) - spectral power of each frequency power (np.ndarray) - max. spectral power dominant_period (float) - oscillation period of max. spectral power dominant_frequency (float) - oscillation frequency of max. spectral power """ def __init__(self, t, y, dy=None, periods=None): """ Instantiate object for spectral decomposition of a 1-D timeseries via Lomb-Scargle periodogram. Args: t (np.ndarray) - timepoints y (np.ndarray) - values dy (np.ndarray) - estimated measurement error periods (np.ndarray) - oscillation periods tested (same units as t) """ # order timeseries by time sort_indices = np.argsort(t) self.t = t[sort_indices] self.y = y[sort_indices] # determine or estimate measurement error if dy is not None: self.dy = dy[sort_indices] else: self.dy = np.std(self.y)/np.sqrt(self.y.size) * 1 # define spectral components if periods is None: periods = 10 ** np.linspace(np.log10(40), np.log10(200), 1000) self.periods = periods self.omegas = 2*np.pi/periods # compute periodogram self.evaluate_periodogram() self.power = self.PS.max() self.dominant_period = self.periods[self.PS.argmax()] self.dominant_frequency = self.omegas[self.PS.argmax()] @staticmethod def _periodogram(t, y, dy, omegas): """ Evaluate periodogram. Args: t (np.ndarray) - timepoints y (np.ndarray) - values dy (np.ndarray) - estimated measurement error omega (np.ndarray) - spectral frequencies tests Returns: PS (np.ndarray) - normalized power spectrum """ kw = dict(generalized=True, subtract_mean=True) PS = lomb_scargle(t, y, dy, omegas, **kw) return PS
[docs] def evaluate_periodogram(self): """ Evaluate periodogram. """ self.PS = self._periodogram(self.t, self.y, self.dy, self.omegas)
@staticmethod def _compute_thresholds(t, y, dy, omegas, confidence=None, nbootstraps=1000): """ Determine periodicity significance thresholds. Thresholds are obtained by repeatedly subsampling data, then compiling a distribution of maximum power levels detected in each sample. Args: t (np.ndarray) - timepoints y (np.ndarray) - values dy (np.ndarray) - estimated measurement error omega (np.ndarray) - spectral frequencies tests confidence (array like) - confidence levels to assess, length C nbootstraps (int) - number of boostrap samples Returns: thresholds (np.ndarray) - spectral power thresholds, length C """ if confidence is None: confidence = [95, 99, 99.9] # get seed for random state seed = np.random.randint(0, 1000) # assemble spectral powers for null models (random subsamples) null_ps = lomb_scargle_bootstrap(t, y, dy, omegas, generalized=True, N_bootstraps=nbootstraps, random_state=seed) # compute significance thresholds thresholds = {c: np.percentile(null_ps, c) for c in confidence} return thresholds
[docs] def compute_thresholds(self, confidence=None, nbootstraps=1000): """ Determine significance thresholds. Args: confidence (array like) - confidence levels to assess, length C nbootstraps (int) - number of boostrap samples Returns: thresholds (np.ndarray) - spectral power thresholds, length C """ return self._compute_thresholds(self.t, self.y, self.dy, self.omegas, confidence=confidence, nbootstraps=nbootstraps)
@staticmethod def _plot_samples(ax, t, y, dy): """ Plot timeseries samples. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) t (array like) - timeponts y (array like) - values dy (array like) - value uncertainties Returns: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) """ ax.errorbar(t, y, dy, fmt='.k', lw=1, ecolor='gray') ax.set_xlabel('distance') ax.set_ylabel('samples') ax.set_xlim(t.min(), t.max()+t.ptp()/10) return ax
[docs] def plot_samples(self, ax): """ Plot timeseries samples. Args: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) """ self._plot_samples(ax, self.t, self.y, self.dy)
@staticmethod def _plot_spectrogram(ax, xvals, PS, thresholds={}, xaxis='period', xunits='px', ymax=None, color='k', labelsize=10): """ Plot spectrogram. Args: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) xvals (np.ndarray) - x values (periods or frequencies) PS (np.ndarray) - normalized spectral powers thresholds (dict) - keys are confidence levels, values are thresholds xaxis (str) - quantity for x axis, either 'period' or 'frequency' xunits (str) - units for x-axis label ymax (float) - upper limit for y axis (max spectral power) color (str) - line color labelsize (int) - axis labelsize Returns: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) """ # plot spectral powers ax.plot(xvals, PS, '-', c=color, lw=1, zorder=1) # plot significant thresholds for sig, threshold in thresholds.items(): ax.plot([xvals.min(), xvals.max()], [threshold, threshold], linestyle='dashed', c='red', linewidth=0.5, dashes=(2, 2)) # determine ylim if ymax is None: if len(thresholds.values()) == 0: ymax = 1.25*PS.max() else: ymax = max(1.25*max(thresholds.values()), PS.max()) # format plot ax.set_xlim(xvals.min(), xvals.max()) ax.set_ylim(0., ymax) ax.set_xlabel(r'{:s} ({:s})'.format(xaxis.capitalize(), xunits), fontsize=labelsize) ax.set_ylabel('Power', fontsize=labelsize) return ax
[docs] def plot_spectrogram(self, ax, confidence=[99], nbootstraps=None, xaxis='period', annotate=True, **kwargs): """ Plot spectrogram. Args: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) confidence (array like) - confidence levels to be added nbootstraps (int) - number of bootstrap samples xaxis (str) - quantity for x axis, either 'period' or 'frequency' annotate (bool) - if True, label peak spectral power kwargs: plot formatting keyword arguments Returns: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) """ # compute significance thresholds if nbootstraps is not None: thresholds = self.compute_thresholds(confidence, nbootstraps) else: thresholds = {} # determine x axis if xaxis == 'period': xvals = self.periods xunits = 'px' elif xaxis == 'frequency': xvals = self.omegas xunits = 'rad/s' # plot spectrogram ax = self._plot_spectrogram(ax, xvals, self.PS, thresholds=thresholds, xaxis=xaxis, xunits=xunits, **kwargs) # annotate peak spectral power if it falls above lowest threshold if annotate: lowest_threshold = thresholds[min(thresholds.keys())] if self.power >= lowest_threshold: self.add_power(ax, xaxis=xaxis) return ax
[docs] def add_power(self, ax, xaxis='period'): """ Annotate peak spectral power. Args: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) xaxis (str) - quantity for x axis, either 'period' or 'frequency' """ # get label position if xaxis == 'period': xp = self.periods.max() - .03*(self.periods.ptp()) xunits = 'px' xpeak = self.dominant_period else: xp = self.omegas.max() - .03*(self.omegas.ptp()) xunits = 'rad/s' xpeak = self.dominant_frequency yp = self.power + .1 # add label txt = '*{:0.2f} at {:0.0f} {:s}'.format(self.power, xpeak, xunits) ax.text(xp, yp, txt, color='k', ha='right', va='bottom')
[docs] def simple_visualization(self, ax=None, confidence=[99], nbootstraps=1000, xaxis='period', annotate=True, **kwargs): """ Plot spectrogram. Args: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) - if None, create figure confidence (array like) - confidence levels to be added nbootstraps (int) - number of bootstrap samples xaxis (str) - quantity for x axis, either 'period' or 'frequency' annotate (bool) - if True, label peak spectral power kwargs: plot formatting keyword arguments Returns: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSublot) """ # define axes if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, hspace=0.25) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) # add spectrogram self.plot_spectrogram(ax, confidence, nbootstraps, xaxis, annotate, **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def full_visualization(self, confidence=[99], nbootstraps=1000, xaxis='period'): """ Plot spectrogram and corresponding signal on adjacent axes. Args: confidence (array like) - confidence levels to be added nbootstraps (int) - number of bootstrap samples xaxis (str) - quantity for x axis, either 'period' or 'frequency' """ # Create figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3.75)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, hspace=0.25) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212, xscale=xscale) # set axis scale if xaxis == 'period': xscale = 'linear' else: xscale = 'log' # plot data self.plot_samples(ax0) # plot spectrogram self.plot_spectrogram(ax1, confidence, nbootstraps, xaxis) plt.tight_layout()