Source code for flyeye.analysis.correlation

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ..dynamics.visualization import plot_mean, plot_mean_interval

[docs]class CorrelationData: """ Container for correlations between 1-D timeseries. Attributes: d_ij (np array) - pairwise separation distances between measurements C_ij (np array) - normalized pairwise fluctuations between measurements """ def __init__(self, d_ij=None, C_ij=None): """ Instantiate container for correlations between 1-D timeseries. Args: d_ij (np.ndarray) - pairwise separation distances C_ij (np.ndarray) - normalized pairwise fluctuations """ if d_ij is None: d_ij = np.empty(0) if C_ij is None: C_ij = np.empty(0) ind = np.argsort(d_ij) self.d_ij = d_ij[ind] self.C_ij = C_ij[ind] def __add__(self, correlation): """ Concatenate current instance with a second CorrelationData instance. Args: correlation (analysis.correlation.CorrelationData) Returns: self (analysis.correlation.CorrelationData) - updated correlations """ if != raise ValueError('Correlations applied to different channels.') # concatenate distanced and fluctuations d_ij = np.hstack((self.d_ij, correlation.d_ij)) C_ij = np.hstack((self.C_ij, correlation.C_ij)) # sort by distance ind = np.argsort(d_ij) self.d_ij = d[ind] self.C_ij = C_ij[ind] return self
[docs] @staticmethod def get_binned_stats(x, y, bins, statistic='mean'): """ Group samples into x-bins and evaluate aggregate statistic of y-values. Args: x (np array) - values upon which samples are grouped y (np array) - values upon which aggregate statistics are evaluated bins (np array) - bin edges statistic (str) - aggregation statistic applied to each bin Returns: centers (np array) - bin centers stats (np array) - aggregate statistic for each bin """ # if None, break into 10 intervals if bins is None: bins = np.arange(x.min(), x.max(), x.max()/10) # evaluate statistic stats, _, _ = binned_statistic(x, y, statistic=statistic, bins=bins) # compute bin centers centers = [bins[i]+(bins[i+1]-bins[i])/2 for i in range(0,len(bins)-1)] return centers, stats
[docs] @classmethod def bootstrap(cls, x, y, confidence=95, N=1000, bins=None): """ Evaluate confidence interval for aggregation statistic. Args: x (np array) - values upon which samples are grouped y (np array) - values upon which aggregate statistics are evaluated N (int) - number of repeated samples confidence (int) - confidence interval, between 0 and 100 bins (np array) - bins within which the statistic is applied Returns: centers (np array) - centers of distance bins uppers, lowers (np array) - statistic confidence interval bounds """ # get indices for bootstrap resampling indices = np.random.randint(0, len(x), size=(N, len(x))) # evaluate aggregation statistic stats = [] for ind in indices: centers, stat = cls.get_binned_stats(x[ind], y[ind], bins=bins) stats.append(stat) stats = np.array(stats) # evaluate confidence interval uppers = np.nanpercentile(stats, q=(100+confidence)/2, axis=0) lowers = np.nanpercentile(stats, q=(100-confidence)/2, axis=0) return centers, uppers, lowers
[docs] def visualize(self, ax=None, null_model=False, scatter=True, confidence=True, zero=True, ma_kw=None, nbootstraps=100, color='k', max_distance=500): """ Plot pairwise normalized fluctuations versus pairwise distances. Args: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSubplot) - if None, create figure null_model (bool) - if True, shuffle d_ij vector scatter (bool) - if True, show individual markers confidence (bool) - if True, include confidence interval zero (bool) - if True, include zero correlation line for reference interval_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for interval formatting ma_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for moving average smoothing nbootstraps (int) - number of bootstrap samples for confidence interval color (str) - color used for confidence interval max_distance (float) - largest pairwise distance included Returns: ax (mpl.axes.AxesSubplot) """ # create figure/axis if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 3)) # get number of pairwise fluctuations number_of_pairs = len(self.d_ij) # if null_model is True, randomly shuffle d_ij vector if null_model: d = np.random.choice(self.d_ij, number_of_pairs, replace=False) else: d = self.d_ij # filter by max_distance xmax = (max_distance//100)*100 ind = (d<=max_distance) C = self.C_ij[ind] d = d[ind] # sort by distance ind = np.argsort(d) d = d[ind] C = C[ind] # get smoothing arguments if ma_kw is None: ma_kw=dict(ma_type='savgol', window_size=100, resolution=50) # plot moving average plot_mean(d, C, ax, line_color=color, line_width=1, line_alpha=1, markersize=2, **ma_kw) # plot confidence interval for moving average if confidence: plot_mean_interval(d, C, ax, confidence=95, color=color, alpha=0.35, nbootstraps=nbootstraps, **ma_kw) # plot markers if scatter: ax.scatter(d, C, alpha=0.2, color='grey', linewidth=0) # plot zero reference line if zero: ax.plot([0, xmax], np.zeros(2), '-r', linewidth=1, alpha=0.25) # format ymin, ymax = -0.6, 0.6 ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax), ax.set_yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5]) ax.set_ylabel('mean corr.', fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel('y-distance between cells $i, j$ (px)', fontsize=12) ax.tick_params(labelsize=10) ax.set_xlim(0, xmax) return ax
[docs]class SpatialCorrelation(CorrelationData): """ Object for evaluating spatial correlation of expression between cells. Attributes: channel (str) - expression channel for which correlations are desired y_only (bool) - if True, only use y-component of pairwise distances Inherited attributes: d_ij (np array) - pairwise separation distances between measurements C_ij (np array) - normalized pairwise fluctuations between measurements """ def __init__(self, channel, data=None, y_only=True): """ Instantiate object for evaluating spatial correlation of expression between cells. Args: channel (str or int) - channel for which correlations are desired data (pd.Dataframe) - cell measurement data y_only (bool) - if True, only use y-component of pairwise distances """ # store parameters = channel self.y_only = y_only # get pairwise distances and fluctuations if data is None: d_ij, C_ij = np.ndarray([]), np.ndarray([]) else: # get distances vector d_ij = self.get_distances_vector(data, y_only=y_only) # get covariance vector expression = data[channel].values C_ij = self.get_covariance_vector(expression.reshape(-1, 1)) # instantiate parent object CorrelationData.__init__(self, d_ij, C_ij)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_experiment(experiment, channel, cell_type='pre', y_only=False, discs_included='all', **selection_kw): """ Instantiate a SpatialCorrelation instance for all specified cells in a flyeye.Experiment instance. Args: experiment (flyeye.Experiment) channel (str or int) - channel for which correlations are desired cell_type (str) - type of cells to select y_only (bool) - if True, only use y-component of data discs_included (list or str) - included discs, defaults to all selection_kw: keyword arguments for cell position selection Returns: corr (analysis.correlation.SpatialCorrelation) """ # instantiate empty SpatialCorrelation object corr = SpatialCorrelation(channel) # specify included discs if discs_included == 'all': discs = experiment.discs.values() else: discs = [experiment.discs[i] for i in discs_included] # iterate across all included discs for i, disc in enumerate(discs): # select cells of specified type within specified time window cells = disc.select_cell_type(cell_types=cell_type) cells = cells.select_by_position(**selection_kw) # concatenate fluctuations to existing correlation object corr += SpatialCorrelation(channel, cells, y_only=y_only) return corr
[docs] @staticmethod def get_matrix_upper(matrix): """ Return upper triangular portion of a 2-D matrix. Parameters: matrix (2D np.ndarray) Returns: upper (1D np.ndarray) - upper triangle, ordered row then column """ return matrix[np.triu_indices(len(matrix), k=1)]
[docs] @classmethod def get_distances_vector(cls, data, y_only=False): """ Get upper triangular portion of pairwise distance matrix. Args: data (pd.Dataframe) - cell measurements including position data y_only (bool) - if True, only use y-component of cell positions Returns: distances (1D np.ndarray) - pairwise distances, ordered row then column """ # if no measurements are included, return None if len(data) == 0: return None # compute pairwise distances between cells x = data.centroid_x.values.reshape((len(data), 1)) y = data.centroid_y.values.reshape((len(data), 1)) x_component = np.repeat(x**2, x.size, axis=1) + np.repeat(x.T**2, x.size, axis=0) - 2*, x.T) if y_only is True: x_component *= 0 y_component = np.repeat(y**2, y.size, axis=1) + np.repeat(y.T**2, y.size, axis=0) - 2*, y.T) # get upper triangular portion (excludes self edges and duplicates) distances = cls.get_matrix_upper(np.sqrt(x_component + y_component)) return distances
[docs] @classmethod def get_covariance_vector(cls, vector): """ Get upper triangular portion of pairwise expression covariance matrix. Args: vector (1D np.ndarray) - expression levels for each cell Returns: covariance (1D np.ndarray) - pairwise fluctuations, ordered row then column """ # if vector is of length zero, return None if len(vector) == 0: return None # compute correlation matrix and return upper triangular portion v = (vector - vector.mean()) covariance_matrix =, v.T) / np.var(vector) covariance = cls.get_matrix_upper(covariance_matrix) return covariance