Source code for

import warnings
from os.path import join, exists, abspath, isdir
from os import mkdir, remove
from shutil import move, rmtree
from glob import glob
import gc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ..utilities import IO
from ..utilities import UserPrompts
from ..annotation import Annotation

from .layers import Layer
from .silhouette_write import WriteSilhouette

# filter numpy warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")

[docs]class StackIO(WriteSilhouette): """ Methods for saving and loading a Stack instance. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_tif(filepath, bit_depth): """ Initialize stack from tif <filepath>. Args: path (str) - path to tif image file bit_depth (int) - bit depth of raw tif (e.g. 12 or 16) Returns: stack (flyqma.Stack) """ path, ext = filepath.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1) if ext.lower() != 'tif': raise ValueError('TIF extension not found.') _id = path.split('/')[-1] # make directory mkdir(path) move(filepath, join( path, '{:s}.tif'.format(_id))) return Stack(path, bit_depth=bit_depth)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_silhouette(filepath, bit_depth): """ Initialize stack from silhouette <filepath>. Args: path (str) - path to silhouette file bit_depth (int) - bit depth of raw tif (e.g. 12 or 16) Returns: stack (flyqma.Stack) """ raise UserWarning('INCOMPLETE METHOD: TIF FILE REQUIRED.') path, ext = filepath.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1) assert ext.lower() == 'silhouette', 'Silhouette file not found.' _id = path.split('/')[-1] # make directory mkdir(path) move(filepath, join(path, '{:s}.silhouette'.format(_id))) return Stack(path, bit_depth=bit_depth)
[docs] def save(self): """ Save stack metadata and annotator. """ self.save_metadata() if self.annotator is not None: self.save_annotator()
[docs] def save_metadata(self): """ Save metadata. """ io = IO() io.write_json(join(self.path, 'metadata.json'), self.metadata)
[docs] def save_annotator(self, data=True): """ Save annotator to annotation directory. """ if not isdir(self.annotator_path): mkdir(self.annotator_path), data=data)
[docs] def load_metadata(self): """ Load available metadata. """ metadata_path = join(self.path, 'metadata.json') if exists(metadata_path): io = IO() self.metadata = io.read_json(metadata_path)
[docs] def load_annotator(self): """ Load annotator from annotation directory. """ if exists(self.annotator_path): self.annotator = Annotation.load(self.annotator_path)
[docs] def load_image(self): """ Load 3D image from tif file. """ # load tif, normalize pixel intensities, and convert to NWHC format stack = self._read_tif(self.tif_path) stack = self._pixel_norm(stack, self.bit_depth) stack = self._to_NWHC(stack) self.stack = stack # set stack shape self.metadata['depth'] = self.stack.shape[0] self.metadata['colordepth'] = self.stack.shape[-1]
@staticmethod def _read_tif(path): """ Read tif from <path>. """ return IO().read_tiff(path) @staticmethod def _pixel_norm(pixels, bitdepth=12): """ Normalize <pixels> intensities by <bitdepth>. """ return pixels / (2**bitdepth) @staticmethod def _reorder_channels(stack, idx): """ Reorder channels in <stack> according to <idx>. """ return stack[:, :, :, idx] @staticmethod def _to_NWHC(stack): """ Convert image to NWHC format. Native format is automatically detected using some heuristics regarding image size relative to channel depth. Args: stack (np.ndarray[float]) - original image stack Returns: stack_NWHC (np.ndarray[float]) - image stack in NWHC format """ # if only one layer is provided, append depth dimension (N) if len(stack.shape) == 3: stack = stack.reshape(1, *stack.shape) # determine channel dimension (C) - assumes it's smaller than W & H c_dim = np.argmin(stack.shape[1:]) + 1 # swap axes until C is the last dimension while c_dim != 3: stack = np.swapaxes(stack, c_dim, c_dim+1) c_dim += 1 return stack
[docs]class Stack(StackIO): """ Object represents a 3D RGB image stack. Attributes: path (str) - path to stack directory _id (str) - stack ID stack (np.ndarray[float]) - 3D RGB image stack shape (tuple) - stack dimensions, (depth, X, Y, 3) bit_depth (int) - bit depth of raw tif image stack_depth (int) - number of layers in stack color_depth (int) - number of fluorescence channels in stack annotator (Annotation) - object that assigns labels to measurements metadata (dict) - stack metadata tif_path (str) - path to multilayer RGB tiff file layers_path (str) - path to layers directory annotator_path (str) - path to annotation directory """ def __init__(self, path, bit_depth=None): """ Initialize stack from stack directory <path>. Args: path (str) - path to stack directory bit_depth (int) - bit depth of raw tif (e.g. 12 or 16). Value will be read from the stack metadata if None is provided. An error is raised if no value is found. """ # strip trailing slashes path = path.rstrip('/') # check if path is directly to a silhouette file if '.silhouette' in path.lower(): raise ValueError('Please use the Stack.from_silhouette constructor.') elif '.tif' in path.lower(): raise ValueError('Please use the Stack.from_tif constructor.') # set path to stack directory self._id = path.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1)[-1] self.path = abspath(path) self.stack = None # find image file (defaults to stack name, otherwise first tif found) tifs = list(glob(join(path, '*.tif'), recursive=False)) assert len(tifs) > 0, 'No tif image files found in stack directory.' default_path = join(path, '{:s}.tif'.format(self._id)) if default_path in tifs: self.tif_path = default_path else: self.tif_path = tifs[0] # set layer and annotator directory paths self.layers_path = join(self.path, 'layers') self.annotator_path = join(self.path, 'annotation') # initialize stack if not self.is_initialized: if type(bit_depth) == int: self.initialize(bit_depth=bit_depth) else: self.prompt_initialization() # load metadata self.load_metadata() # if bit_depth was provided, make sure it's consistent if bit_depth is None: msg = 'bit_depth was neither specified nor found in the metadata.' assert 'bits' in self.metadata.keys(), msg else: msg = 'Specified bit depth is inconsistent with existing metadata.' assert self.bit_depth == bit_depth, msg # load annotator self.annotator = None self.load_annotator() # reset layer iterator count self.count = 0 def __getitem__(self, layer_id): """ Load layer. """ return self.load_layer(layer_id, graph=True, use_cache=True, full=True) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate across included layers. """ self.count = 0 return self def __next__(self): """ Return next included layer. """ if self.count < len(self.included): layer_id = self.included[self.count] layer = self.__getitem__(layer_id) self.count += 1 return layer else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def prompt_initialization(self): """ Ask user whether to initialize all stack directories. """ msg = '{:s} directory has not been initialized. Do it now?'.format(self.filename) user_response = UserPrompts.boolean_prompt(msg) if user_response: msg = 'Please enter an image bit depth:' bit_depth = UserPrompts.integer_prompt(msg) if bit_depth is not None: self.initialize(bit_depth=bit_depth) else: raise ValueError('Could not initialize stack because bit depth value was not recognized.')
@staticmethod def _check_if_initialized(path): """ Returns True if <path> contains an initialized stack directory. """ layers_complete = isdir(join(path, 'layers')) metadata_complete = exists(join(path, 'metadata.json')) if not (layers_complete and metadata_complete): return False else: return True @property def is_initialized(self): """ Returns True if Stack has been initialized. """ return self._check_if_initialized(self.path) @property def is_segmented(self): """ True if segmentation is complete. """ return self.aggregate_measurements() is not None @property def is_annotated(self): """ True if annotation is complete. """ return self.annotator is not None @property def included(self): """ Indices of included layers. """ return self.get_included_layers() @property def filename(self): """ Stack filename. """ return self.path.split('/')[-1] @property def bit_depth(self): """ Bit depth of raw image. """ return self.metadata['bits'] @property def stack_depth(self): """ Number of layers in stack. """ return self.metadata['depth'] @property def color_depth(self): """ Number of fluorescence channels in stack. """ return self.metadata['colordepth'] @property def selector_path(self): """ Path to model selection object. """ return join(self.annotator_path, 'models')
[docs] def get_included_layers(self): """ Returns indices of included layers. """ layers = [self.load_layer(i, graph=False) for i in range(self.stack_depth)] return [layer._id for layer in layers if layer.include]
[docs] def initialize(self, bit_depth): """ Initialize stack directory. Args: bit_depth (int) - bit depth of raw tif (e.g. 12 or 16) """ # make layers directory if not exists(self.layers_path): mkdir(self.layers_path) # load stack (to determine shape), and check bit depth raw = self._read_tif(self.tif_path) assert raw.max() <= (2**bit_depth), 'Pixels exceed bit_depth.' stack = raw / (2**bit_depth) # make metadata file io = IO() self.metadata = dict(bits=bit_depth, depth=stack.shape[0], params={}) io.write_json(join(self.path, 'metadata.json'), self.metadata) # load image if self.stack is None: self.load_image() # initialize layers for layer_id in range(self.stack_depth): layer_path = join(self.layers_path, '{:d}'.format(layer_id)) layer = Layer(layer_path) layer.initialize()
[docs] def restore_directory(self): """ Restore stack directory to original state. """ dirs = [ self.layers_path, join(self.path, 'annotation'), join(self.path, 'metadata.json')] for path in dirs: if exists(path): if isdir(path): rmtree(path) else: remove(path)
[docs] def segment(self, channel, preprocessing_kws={}, seed_kws={}, seg_kws={}, min_area=250, save=True): """ Segment all layers using watershed strategy. Args: channel (int) - channel index on which to segment image preprocessing_kws (dict) - keyword arguments for image preprocessing seed_kws (dict) - keyword arguments for seed detection seg_kws (dict) - keyword arguments for segmentation min_area (int) - threshold for minimum segment size, px save (bool) - if True, save measurement data for each layer """ # make sure image is loaded assert self.stack is not None, 'Image data not found. Use the load_image() method to read image data into memory.' for layer in self: _ = layer.segment(channel, preprocessing_kws=preprocessing_kws, seed_kws=seed_kws, seg_kws=seg_kws, min_area=min_area) # save layer measurements and segmentation if save:
[docs] def train_annotator(self, attribute, save=False, logratio=True, num_labels=3, **kwargs): """ Train an Annotation model on all layers in this stack. Args: attribute (str) - measured attribute used to determine labels save (bool) - if True, save annotator and model selection routine logratio (bool) - if True, weight edges by relative attribute value num_labels (int) - number of allowable unique labels kwargs: keyword arguments for Annotation, including: sampler_type (str) - either 'radial', 'neighbors', 'community' sampler_kwargs (dict) - keyword arguments for sampler min_num_components (int) - minimum number of mixture components max_num_components (int) - maximum number of mixture components addtl_kwargs: keyword arguments for Classifier """ # make sure measurement data are available if not self.is_segmented: raise RuntimeError('Measurement data not available, please run segmentation first.') # build graph for each layer graphs = [] for layer_id in self.included: layer = self.load_layer(layer_id, False, False, False) layer.build_graph(attribute, logratio=logratio) graphs.append(layer.graph) # save graph metadata if save: layer.save_metadata() # train annotator annotator = Annotation(attribute, num_labels=num_labels, **kwargs) selector = annotator.train(*graphs) self.annotator = annotator # save models if save: self.save_annotator(data=True) # annotate measurements for layer in self: layer.annotate() layer.save_processed_data()
[docs] def aggregate_measurements(self, selected_only=False, exclude_boundary=False, raw=False, use_cache=True): """ Aggregate measurements from each included layer. Args: selected_only (bool) - if True, exclude cells not marked for inclusion exclude_boundary (bool) - if True, exclude cells on clone boundaries raw (bool) - if True, aggregate raw measurements use_cache (bool) - if True, used available cached measurement data Returns: data (pd.Dataframe) - measurement data (None if unavailable) """ # load measurements from each included layer data = [] for layer_id in self.included: layer = self.load_layer(layer_id, graph=(not use_cache), use_cache=use_cache, full=False) # skip layers without measurements if not layer.is_segmented: continue # get raw or processed measurements if raw: layer_data = layer.measurements else: layer_data = layer_data['layer'] = layer._id data.append(layer_data) assert layer_id == layer._id, 'Layer IDs do not match.' # return None if no data are found if len(data) == 0: return None # aggregate measurement data data = pd.concat(data, join='outer', sort=False) data = data.set_index(['layer', 'segment_id']) # exclude cells outside the ROI if selected_only: assert 'selected' in data.columns, 'ROI not defined.' data = data[data.selected] # exclude cells on the border of labeled regions if exclude_boundary: assert 'boundary' in data.columns, 'Cannot exclude boundary regions because no regions have been defined. Annotate the stack then try again.' data = data[~data.boundary] # load manual labels from silhouette if exists(self.silhouette_path): data = data.join(self.load_silhouette_labels()) return data
[docs] def load_layer(self, layer_id=0, graph=True, use_cache=True, full=True): """ Load individual layer. Args: layer_id (int) - layer index graph (bool) - if True, load layer graph use_cache (bool) - if True, use cached layer measurement data full (bool) - if True, load fully labeled RGB image Returns: layer (Layer) """ # define layer path layer_path = join(self.layers_path, '{:d}'.format(layer_id)) # if performing light load, don't pass image if full and self.stack is not None: im = self.stack[layer_id, :, :, :] else: im = None # instantiate layer layer = Layer(layer_path, im, self.annotator) # load layer layer.load(use_cache=use_cache, graph=graph) return layer