Source code for

from scipy.ndimage import iterate_structure, generate_binary_structure
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter, median_filter
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.exposure import equalize_adapthist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings

[docs]class ImageScalar: """ Object represents a monochrome image. Attributes: im (np.ndarray[float]) - 2D array of pixel values shape (array like) - image dimensions mask (np.ndarray[bool]) - image mask labels (np.ndarray[int]) - segment ID mask """ def __init__(self, im, labels=None): """ Instantiate scalar image. Args: im (np.ndarray[float]) - 2D array of pixel values labels (np.ndarray[int]) - segment ID mask """ = im if im is not None: self.shape = im.shape[:2] self.mask = np.ones_like(, dtype=bool) self.labels = labels
[docs] def show(self, segments=True, cmap=None, vmin=0, vmax=1, figsize=(10, 10), ax=None, **kwargs): """ Render image. Args: segments (bool) - if True, include cell segment contours cmap (matplotlib.colors.ColorMap or str) - colormap or RGB channel vmin, vmax (float) - bounds for color scale figsize (tuple) - figure size ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) - if None, create axis kwargs: keyword arguments for add_contours Returns: fig (matplotlib.figures.Figure) """ assert is not None, 'Image not loaded.' if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) fig = plt.gcf() # show image in RGB format if type(cmap) == str: ind = 'rgb'.index(cmap) im = np.zeros((self.shape[0], self.shape[1], 3)) im[:, :, ind] = ax.imshow(im) # otherwise use specified colormap elif cmap is not None: ax.imshow(, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # otherwise show raw image else: ax.imshow( # add segment labels if segments and self.labels is not None: self.add_contours(ax, **kwargs) # remove axis ax.axis('off') return fig
[docs] def add_contour(self, ax, mask, lw=1, color='r'): """ Adds border of specified contour. """ ax.contour(mask, [0.5], linewidths=[lw], colors=[color])
[docs] def add_contours(self, ax, lw=1, color='r', rasterized=False): """ Adds borders of all contours. """ mask = self.labels > 0 ctr = ax.contour(mask, [0.5], linewidths=[lw], colors=[color]) if rasterized: for c in ctr.collections: c.set_rasterized(True)
[docs] def gaussian_filter(self, sigma=(1., 1.)): """ Apply 2D gaussian filter. """ = gaussian_filter(, sigma=sigma)
[docs] def median_filter(self, radius=0, structure_dim=1): """ Apply 2D median filter. """ struct = iterate_structure(generate_binary_structure(2, structure_dim), radius).astype(int) = median_filter(, footprint=struct)
[docs] def set_mean_mask(self): """ Mask values below mean. """ self.mask = np.zeros_like(, dtype=bool) self.mask[>=np.mean(] = True
[docs] def set_otsu_mask(self): """ Mask values below otsu threahold. """ threshold = threshold_otsu( self.mask = np.zeros_like(, dtype=bool) self.mask[>=threshold] = True
[docs] def clahe(self, factor=8, clip_limit=0.01, nbins=256): """ Run CLAHE on reflection-padded image. Args: factor (float or int) - number of segments per dimension clip_limit (float) - clip limit for CLAHE nbins (int) - number of grey-scale bins for histogram """ # set kernel size as fraction of image size kernel_size = [int(np.ceil(s/factor)) for s in] # pad image with reflection about boundaries (circumvents artefacts) im_padded = np.pad(, [(x,)*2 for x in kernel_size], mode='reflect') # apply CLAHE with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") im_equalized = equalize_adapthist(im_padded, kernel_size=kernel_size, clip_limit=clip_limit, nbins=nbins) # crop image = im_equalized[tuple(slice(s, -s) for s in kernel_size)]
[docs] def preprocess(self, median_radius=2, gaussian_sigma=(2, 2), clip_limit=0.03, clip_factor=20): """ Preprocess image. Args: median_radius (int) - median filter size, px gaussian_sigma (tuple) - gaussian filter size, px std dev clip_limit (float) - CLAHE clip limit clip_factor (int) - CLAHE clip factor """ self.median_filter(radius=median_radius) self.gaussian_filter(sigma=gaussian_sigma) self.clahe(clip_limit=clip_limit, factor=clip_factor)
[docs]class ImageMultichromatic(ImageScalar): """ Object represents a multichromatic image. Attributes: im (np.ndarray[float]) - 2D array of pixel values in WHC format Inherited attributes: shape (array like) - image dimensions mask (np.ndarray[bool]) - image mask labels (np.ndarray[int]) - segment ID mask """ def __init__(self, im, labels=None): """ Instantiate RGB image. Args: im (np.ndarray[float]) - 2D array of pixel values labels (np.ndarray[int]) - segment ID mask """ super().__init__(im, labels=labels)
[docs] def get_channel(self, channel, copy=True): """ Returns monochrome image of specified color channel. Args: channel (int) - desired channel copy (bool) - if True, instantiate from image copy Returns: image (ImageScalar) - monochrome image """ if type(channel) == str: if 'ch' in channel: channel = int(channel.strip('ch')) if copy: monochrome = deepcopy([:, :, channel]) else: monochrome =[:, :, channel] return ImageScalar(monochrome, labels=self.labels)
[docs] def to_RGB(self, channels_dict=None, copy=True): """ Returns RGB image of specified color channels. Args: channels_dict (dict) - RGB channels keyed by channel index copy (bool) - if True, instantiate from image copy Returns: image (ImageMultichromatic) - RGB image """ # default to first three channels as R, G, and B if channels_dict is None: channels_dict = dict(enumerate('rgb')) # copy image if copy: im = deepcopy( else: im = # concatenate channels lookup = {v.lower().strip(): k for k, v in channels_dict.items()} channels = [] for channel in 'rgb': if channel in lookup.keys(): idx = lookup[channel] channels.append(im[:, :, idx]) else: channels.append(np.zeros_like(im[:,:,0])) rgb = np.stack(channels, axis=-1) return ImageMultichromatic(rgb, labels=self.labels)