Source code for flyqma.bleedthrough.resampling

import numpy as np
from collections import Counter

[docs]def resample_uniformly(x, y, size=None, cutoff=None): """ Resample X and Y uniformly in X. Args: x, y (np.ndarray[float]) - original samples size (int) - number of uniform samples cutoff (int) - upper bound for samples (quantile, 0 to 100) Returns: x, y (np.ndarray[float]) - resampled s.t. x is uniformly distributed """ if size is None: size = x.size # sort values sort_ind = np.argsort(x) xx, yy = x[sort_ind], y[sort_ind] # apply threshold on upper bound if cutoff is not None: threshold = np.percentile(xx, cutoff) else: threshold = xx.max()+1 # get unique x values xunique = np.unique(xx) # filter points below threshold below_threshold = (xx<=threshold) xx, yy = xx[below_threshold], yy[below_threshold] # get probabilities x_to_count = np.vectorize(Counter(xx).get) # get intervals intervals = np.diff(xunique) unique_below_threshold = (xunique[:-1]<=threshold) intervals = intervals[unique_below_threshold] # assign probabilities x_to_cumul = np.vectorize(dict(zip(xunique[:-1][unique_below_threshold], intervals/intervals.sum())).get) p = x_to_cumul(xx)/x_to_count(xx) p[np.isnan(p)] = 0 # generate sample sample_ind = np.random.choice(np.arange(xx.size), size=size, p=p) xu, yu = xx[sample_ind], yy[sample_ind] return xu, yu