Source code for flyqma.annotation.spatial.sampling

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from copy import deepcopy

from ...visualization import *

from .infomap import InfoMap

[docs]class NeighborSampler: """ Class for sampling node attributes averaged over neighbors. Attributes: graph (spatial.Graph) - graph instance G (nx.Graph) - graph with node attribute attr (str) - attribute to be averaged over neighbors depth (int) - maximum number of edges connecting neighbors log (bool) - if True, log-transform values before averaging """ def __init__(self, graph, attr, depth=1, log=True): """ Instantiate sampler for averaging <attr> value over all neighbors within <depth> of each node. Args: graph (spatial.Graph) - graph instance attr (str) - attribute to be averaged over neighbors depth (int) - maximum number of edges connecting neighbors log (bool) - if True, log-transform values before averaging """ self.graph = graph self.attr = attr self.depth = depth self.log = log # add node attribute to graph if self.attr_used not in list(self.G.nodes(data=True)[0].keys()): self.add_attribute_to_graph() # sample over neigbors self.average_over_neighbors()
[docs] @classmethod def multisample(cls, attr, *graphs, **kwargs): """ Generate composite sample from one or more <graphs>. Args: attr (str) - attribute to be averaged over neighbors graphs (spatial.Graph) - one or more graph instances kwargs: keyword arguments for sampler Returns: sample (np.ndarray[float]) - 2D array of sampled values, first column contains cell measurements while the second column contains measurements averaged over the neighbors of each cell keys (list of str) - attribute keys for sampled data """ samples = [] for graph in graphs: sampler = cls(graph, attr, **kwargs) samples.append(sampler.sample) return np.vstack(samples), sampler.keys
@property def num_nodes(self): """ Number of nodes. """ return self.graph.num_nodes @property def data(self): """ Graph data. """ return @property def G(self): """ NetworkX graph instance. """ return self.graph.G @property def node_values(self): """ Vector of attribute values for each node. """ values =[self.attr].values if self.log: values = np.log(values) return values @property def node_values_dict(self): """ Dictionary of attribute values, keyed by node index. """ values =[self.attr] if self.log: values = np.log(values) return dict(values) @property def neighbors(self): """ Dictionary of neighbor indices keyed by node indices. """ kwargs = dict(depth_limit=self.depth) bfs = lambda n: [e[1] for e in nx.bfs_edges(self.G, n, **kwargs)] return {node: bfs(node) for node in self.G.nodes} @property def size_attr(self): """ Neighborhood size attribute name. """ return 'd{:d}_neighbors'.format(self.depth) @property def attr_used(self): """ Name of attribute used to access graph data. """ if self.log: return 'log_' + self.attr else: return self.attr @property def averaged_attr(self): """ Name of averaged attribute. """ return '{:s}_d{:d}'.format(self.attr, self.depth) @property def keys(self): """ List of attribute names. """ return [self.attr, self.averaged_attr] @property def sample(self): """ Returns bivariate sample combining each node's attribute value with the average attribute value in its neighborhood. """ return[self.keys].values
[docs] def add_attribute_to_graph(self): """ Add attribute to networkx graph object. """ nx.set_node_attributes(self.G, self.node_values_dict, name=self.attr_used)
@staticmethod def _neighbor_average(G, node_values, depth=1): """ Average attribute value over all neighbors of each node in a graph. Args: G (nx.Graph) - graph with nodes containing an attribute node_values (dict) - node attribute values keyed by node index depth (int) - maximum number of edges connecting neighbors Returns: node_to_neighborhood (dict) - dictionary of neighborhood (<attribute>, size) tuples keyed by node index """ # define breadth first search of each <src> node bfs = lambda n: [e[1] for e in nx.bfs_edges(G, n, depth_limit=depth)] # define function to parse mean node attribute within neighborhood parse = lambda nbs: (np.mean([node_values[n] for n in nbs]), len(nbs)) return {src: parse(bfs(src)) for src in G.nodes}
[docs] def average_over_neighbors(self): """ Average attribute value over all neighbors adjacent to each node. """ # average attribute over neighbors neighbor_dict = self._neighbor_average(self.G, self.node_values_dict, self.depth) # extract average and sample size for each node keys, values = list(zip(*neighbor_dict.items())) node_indices = np.array(keys) means, sizes = np.array(values).T # log transform average if self.log: means = np.exp(means) # store outcome[node_indices, self.averaged_attr] = means[node_indices, self.size_attr] = sizes
@default_figure def histogram_sample_sizes(self, ax=None): """ Histogram sample sizes. """ sizes =[self.size_attr].values _ = ax.hist(sizes, bins=np.arange(sizes.max()+1)) @square_figure def plot_neigborhood(self, node, color='r', bg_color='k', ax=None, **kwargs): """ Visualize neighborhood surrounding <node>. Args: node (int) - node positional index color (str or RGB tuple) - color for nodes within neighborhood bg_color (str or RGB tuple) - color for nodes outside neighborhood kwargs: keyword arguments for plt.scatter """ node_id = self.graph.node_map(node)[0] neighbors_id = self.neighbors[node_id] neighbors = self.graph.position_map(neighbors_id) colors = np.array([bg_color for _ in range(self.graph.nodes.size)]) colors[node] = color colors[neighbors] = color ax.scatter(*[self.graph.xykey].values.T, c=colors, **kwargs) @default_figure def plot_autocorrelation(self, ax=None, xmax=10, **kwargs): """ Plot autocorrelation versus path length. """ # evaluate distance between all nodes paths = dict(nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(self.G, cutoff=xmax)) if xmax is None: max_depth = max([max(v.values()) for v in paths.values()]) else: max_depth = xmax # get node levels and evaluate global mean/variance levels = self.node_values mu, sigma2 = levels.mean(), levels.var() def eval_flux(edge_list): """ Evaluate mean fluctuation in edge_list. """ idx = self.graph.position_map(np.array(edge_list)) flux = ((levels[idx[:, 0]]-mu) * (levels[idx[:, 1]] - mu)) / sigma2 return flux.mean(), flux.std(), flux.size # compute pairwise fluctuations between nodes edges = {i: [] for i in range(max_depth+1)} for node, neighbors in paths.items(): for neighbor, distance in neighbors.items(): edges[distance].append((node, neighbor)) # compile autocorrelation function means, _, sizes = list(zip(*[eval_flux(e) for e in edges.values()])) means, sizes = np.array(means), np.array(sizes) # plot autocorrelation ax.plot(range(max_depth+1), means, '.-k', **kwargs) ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1) ax.set_xlim(0, max_depth+1) ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') ax.set_xlabel('Path length')
[docs]class CommunitySampler(NeighborSampler): """ Class for sampling node attributes averaged over local community. Attributes: graph (spatial.Graph) - graph instance G (nx.Graph) - graph with node attribute attr (str) - attribute to be averaged over neighbors depth (int) - mean correlation lifetime level (int) - hierarchical level at which clusters are merged log (bool) - if True, log-transform values before averaging twolevel (bool) - if True, use two-level community clustering """ def __init__(self, graph, attr, depth=1., log=True, twolevel=False): """ Instantiate sampler for averaging <attr> value over all neighbors within <depth> of each node. Args: graph (spatial.Graph) - graph instance attr (str) - attribute to be averaged over neighbors depth (int) - mean correlation lifetime twolevel (bool) - if True, use two-level community clustering log (bool) - if True, log-transform values before averaging """ # store attributes self.graph = graph self.attr = attr self.depth = depth self.twolevel = twolevel self.log = log # perform community detection if self.graph.imap is None: self.graph.detect_communities(twolevel=twolevel) # determine clustering level self.level = self.clustering_level # sample over neigbors self.average_over_neighbors() @property def neighbors(self): """ Dictionary of neighbor indices keyed by node indices. """ labels = self.graph._assign_community(self.level) gb = exclude = lambda node, neighbors: neighbors[neighbors!=node] key = lambda n:[n] return {key(n): exclude(key(n), gb.indices[c]) for n,c in enumerate(labels)} @property def size_attr(self): """ Neighborhood size attribute name. """ return 'community_size' @property def averaged_attr(self): """ Name of averaged attribute. """ return '{:s}_community'.format(self.attr) @property def z_attr(self): """ Name of z-scored attribute. """ return self.attr+'_zscore' @property def clustering_level(self): """ Highest clustering level at which the mean correlation remains above <self.depth> multiples of the decay constant. """ _, correlations = self.autocorrelate(include_distances=False) correlations = np.array(correlations) relative_correlation = correlations/correlations[0] above = relative_correlation >= np.exp(-self.depth) return above.nonzero()[0][-1]
[docs] def average_over_neighbors(self): """ Average attribute value over all members of the community encompassing each node. """ if self.log: agg = lambda x: np.log(x).mean() else: agg = lambda x: x.mean() # average over each community labels = self.graph._assign_community(self.level) community_levels =[self.attr].aggregate(agg) community_to_mean_level = np.vectorize(dict(community_levels).get) means = community_to_mean_level(labels) # log transform average if self.log: means = np.exp(means) # evaluate community sizes neighbors = self.neighbors get_community_size = np.vectorize(lambda n: len(neighbors[n])) # store outcome[self.averaged_attr] = means[self.size_attr] = get_community_size(
[docs] def autocorrelate(self, include_distances=False): """ Returns autocorrelation versus community depth. Args: include_distances (bool) - return mean separate distances Returns: levels (list) - clustering depths, starting from finest resolution correlations (list) - mean correlation within communities <optional> distances (list) - mean pairwise separation distance """ # compile z-scored node values node_v = self.node_values[self.z_attr] = (node_v-node_v.mean())/node_v.std() # define hierarchical levels levels = list(range(self.graph.imap.aggregator.max_depth)) # define aggregation functions def get_binsize(x): """ Evaluate total number of node pairs. """ return x.size * (x.size - 1) / 2 def get_fluctuations(x): """ Evaluate total pairwise fluctuation between nodes. """ v = x.values.reshape(-1, 1) return self.graph.get_matrix_upper(, v.T)).sum() def get_distances(x): """ Evaluate total pairwise distance between nodes. """ distance_matrix = self.graph._distance_matrix(x.values) distances = self.graph.get_matrix_upper(distance_matrix) return distances.sum() # evaluate autocorrelation at each hierarchical level correlations, distances = [], [] for level in levels: labels = self.graph._assign_community(level) gb = total_flux = gb[self.z_attr].agg(get_fluctuations).sum() num_of_flux = gb[self.z_attr].agg(get_binsize).sum() correlations.append(total_flux / num_of_flux) if include_distances: total_distance = gb[self.graph.xykey].apply(get_distances).sum() distances.append(total_distance/num_of_flux) if include_distances: return distances, correlations else: return levels, correlations
@default_figure def plot_autocorrelation(self, ax=None, spatial=False): """ Plot autocorrelation versus community depth. Args: distance (bool) - if True, plot spatial correlation """ levels, correlation = self.autocorrelate(include_distances=spatial) # plot autocorrelation ax.plot(levels, correlation, '.-k') ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1) ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') # format axis if spatial: ax.set_xlabel('Distance') else: ax.set_xlabel('Hierarchical level')
[docs]class RadialSampler(NeighborSampler): """ Class for sampling node attributes averaged within a predetermined radius of each node. Attributes: graph (spatial.Graph) - graph instance G (nx.Graph) - graph with node attribute attr (str) - attribute to be averaged over neighbors depth (int) - hierarchical level to which communities are merged log (bool) - if True, log-transform values before averaging length_scale (float) - characteristic length scale of the graph radius (float) - radius of sampling region surrounding each measurement """ def __init__(self, graph, attr, depth=1., log=True): """ Instantiate sampler for averaging <attr> value over all nodes within a predetermined radius of each node. The radius is defined by <depth> multiples of the characteristic length over which correlations in the attribute value decay. Args: graph (spatial.Graph) - graph instance attr (str) - attribute to be averaged over neighbors depth (int) - hierarchical level to which communities are merged log (bool) - if True, log-transform values before averaging """ # store attributes self.graph = graph self.attr = attr self.depth = depth self.log = log # determine characteristic length scale and set sampling radius length_scale = graph.get_correlations(attr, log).characteristic_length # if failed (e.g. no correlation), use 1.5x median edge length if length_scale is None: length_scale = 1.5 * graph.median_edge_length self.length_scale = length_scale self.radius = depth * length_scale self.neighbor_mask = self._neighbor_mask # sample over neigbors self.average_over_neighbors() @property def distance_matrix(self): """ Euclidean distance matrix between nodes (ordered by position in <>). """ return self.graph.distance_matrix @property def _neighbor_mask(self): """ Boolean adjacency mask (True for neighbors). """ neighbor_mask = (self.distance_matrix < self.radius) np.fill_diagonal(neighbor_mask, False) return neighbor_mask @property def neighbors(self): """ Dictionary of neighbor positional indices keyed by node indices. """ return {n: r.nonzero()[0] for n, r in enumerate(self.neighbor_mask)} @property def size_attr(self): """ Neighborhood size attribute name. """ return 'sampling_radius' @property def averaged_attr(self): """ Name of averaged attribute. """ return '{:s}_radial'.format(self.attr)
[docs] def average_over_neighbors(self): """ Average attribute value over all nodes within the specified radius of each node. """ # average within each neighborhood node_values = self.node_values.reshape(1, -1) matrix = np.repeat(node_values, self.num_nodes, axis=0) masked_values =, mask=~self.neighbor_mask) means = masked_values.mean(axis=1).data # log transform average if self.log: means = np.exp(means) # store outcome[self.averaged_attr] = means[self.size_attr] = (~masked_values.mask).sum(axis=1)
@square_figure def plot_neigborhood(self, node, color='r', bg_color='k', radius=True, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Visualize neighborhood surrounding <node>. Args: node (int) - node positional index color (str or RGB tuple) - color for nodes within neighborhood bg_color (str or RGB tuple) - color for nodes outside neighborhood radius (bool) - if True, plot sampling radius kwargs: keyword arguments for plt.scatter """ # draw selection boundary if radius: center =[self.graph.xykey].values[node] circle = plt.Circle(center, self.radius, color=color, alpha=0.2) ax.add_artist(circle) # scatter points colors = np.array([bg_color for _ in range(self.graph.nodes.size)]) colors[node] = color colors[self.neighbors[node]] = color ax.scatter(*[self.graph.xykey].values.T, c=colors, **kwargs) @default_figure def plot_autocorrelation(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot autocorrelation versus community depth. """ correlations = self.graph.get_correlations(self.attr, self.log) correlations.visualize(ax=ax, **kwargs)