Source code for flyqma.annotation.spatial.graphs

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, ListedColormap
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
import networkx as nx
from collections import Counter

from .triangulation import LocalTriangulation
from .infomap import InfoMap
from .correlation import SpatialCorrelation

[docs]class TopologicalProperties: """ Topological properties for Graph objects. """ @property def num_nodes(self): """ Number of nodes. """ return len( @property def nodes(self): """ Unique nodes in graph. """ return np.array(sorted(np.unique(self.edges)), dtype=int) @property def nodes_order(self): """ Indices that sort nodes by positional index in <>. """ return np.argsort(self.position_map(self.nodes)) @property def edges(self): """ Distance-filtered edges. """ return self.node_map(self.tri.edges) @property def edge_list(self): """ Distance-filtered edges as (from, to) tuples. """ return [(int(e[0]), int(e[1]), None) for e in self.edges] @property def adjacency(self): """ Adjacency matrix ordered by <self.nodes>. """ return nx.to_numpy_array(self.G, nodelist=self.nodes) @property def adjacency_positional(self): """ Adjacency matrix ordered by positional index in <>. """ return self.adjacency[self.nodes_order, :][:, self.nodes_order]
[docs]class SpatialProperties: """ Spatial properties for Graph objects. """ @property def node_positions(self): """ Assign 2D coordinate positions to nodes. """ node_positions = {} for k in self.nodes: i = self.position_map(k) node_positions[k] = np.array([self.tri.x[i], self.tri.y[i]]) return node_positions @property def node_positions_arr(self): """ N x 2 array of node coordinates, ordered by positional index.""" return[self.xykey].values @property def edge_lengths(self): """ Unique edge lengths. """ return sorted(self.distance_matrix[self.adjacency.nonzero()])[::2] @property def median_edge_length(self): """ Median edge length. """ return np.median(self.edge_lengths) @staticmethod def _distance_matrix(xy): """ Returns euclidean distance matrix between all points in <xy>. """ x, y = xy.T x = x.reshape(-1, 1) y = y.reshape(-1, 1) x_component = np.repeat(x**2, x.size, axis=1) + np.repeat(x.T**2, x.size, axis=0) - 2*, x.T) y_component = np.repeat(y**2, y.size, axis=1) + np.repeat(y.T**2, y.size, axis=0) - 2*, y.T) return np.sqrt(x_component + y_component) @property def distance_matrix(self): """ Euclidean distance matrix between all nodes. """ return self._distance_matrix(self.node_positions_arr)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_matrix_upper(matrix): """ Return upper triangular portion of a 2-D matrix. Parameters: matrix (2D np.ndarray) Returns: upper (1D np.ndarray) - upper triangle, ordered row then column """ return matrix[np.triu_indices(len(matrix), k=1)]
@property def unique_distances(self): """ Upper triangular portion of euclidean distance matrix. """ return self.get_matrix_upper(self.distance_matrix)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate_fluctuations(values): """ Construct pairwise fluctuation matrix for <values>. Args: values (1D np.ndarray[float]) - attribute values Returns: fluctuations (2D np.ndarray[float]) - pairwise fluctuations """ # compute correlation matrix and return upper triangular portion v = (values - values.mean()) fluctuations =, v.T) / np.var(values) return fluctuations
[docs] def get_fluctuations_matrix(self, attribute, log=True): """ Returns normalized pairwise fluctuations of <attribute> value for each node in the graph. Args: attribute (str) - name of attribute log (bool) - if True, log-transform attribute values Returns: fluctuations (2D np.ndarray[float]) - pairwise fluctuations """ attribute_values =[attribute].values.reshape(-1, 1) if log: attribute_values = np.log(attribute_values) return self.evaluate_fluctuations(attribute_values)
def _mark_boundary(self, attribute='genotype', max_edges=0): """ Mark boundaries between nodes with differing attribute values. Boundaries are identified by nodes that share an edge with another node whose attribute value differs. Args: attribute (str) - used to identify distinct groups of nodes max_edges (int) - max number of transgroup edges for interior nodes Returns: interior (np.vector[bool]) - mask for interior points """ # assign genotype to edges assign_genotype = np.vectorize(dict([attribute]).get) edge_genotypes = assign_genotype(self.edges) # find edges traversing clones boundaries = (edge_genotypes[:, 0] != edge_genotypes[:, 1]) # get number of clone-traversing edges per node boundary_edges = self.edges[boundaries] edge_counts = Counter(boundary_edges.ravel()) # assign boundary label to nodes with too many clone-traversing edges boundary_nodes = [n for n, c in edge_counts.items() if c>max_edges] interior = np.ones(self.num_nodes, dtype=bool) interior[self.position_map(boundary_nodes)] = False return interior
[docs]class GraphVisualizationMethods: """ Methods for visualizing a Graph instance. """
[docs] def plot_edges(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot triangulation edges. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) kwargs: keyword arguments for matplotlib.pyplot.triplot """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() lines, markers = plt.triplot(self.tri, **kwargs)
[docs] def label_triangles(self, label_by='genotype'): """ Label each triangle with most common node attribute value. Args: label_by (str) - node attribute used to label each triangle Returns: labels (np.ndarray[int]) - labels for each triangle """ # get triangulation vertices vertices = self.node_map(self.tri.triangles) # get value of each node get_level = lambda node_id:[label_by].loc[node_id] levels = np.apply_along_axis(get_level, axis=1, arr=vertices) # aggregate within triangles get_mode = lambda x: Counter(x).most_common(1)[0][0] labels = np.apply_along_axis(get_mode, axis=1, arr=levels) return labels
[docs] def plot_triangles(self, label_by='genotype', cmap=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot triangle faces using tripcolor. Args: label_by (str) - data attribute used to color each triangle cmap (matplotlib.colors.ColorMap) - colormap for attribute values ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) kwargs: keyword arguments for plt.tripcolor """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # assign triangle colors colors = self.label_triangles(label_by=label_by) # define colormap if cmap is None: cmap = ListedColormap(['y', 'm', 'k'], N=3) # plot triangle faces ax.tripcolor(self.tri, facecolors=colors, cmap=cmap, lw=0, edgecolor='none', antialiased=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, ax=None, colorby=None, disconnect=False, **kwargs): """ Visualize graph. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) - if None, create figure colorby (str) - node attribute used to assign node/edge colors disconnect (bool) - if True, remove edges between nodes whose colorby values differ kwargs: keyword arguments for NetworkxGraphVisualization.draw """ if colorby is not None: msg = 'Colorby attribute must be an integer type.' assert[colorby].dtype in (np.integer, int), msg # construct graph if colorby is not None: G = self.get_networkx(colorby) else: G = self.G # disconnect nodes not sharing the <colorby> attribute if disconnect: is_different = lambda u,v: G.node[u][colorby] != G.node[v][colorby] removed_edges = [edge for edge in G.edges if is_different(*edge)] G.remove_edges_from(removed_edges) # draw graph vis = NetworkxGraphVisualization(G, self.node_positions) vis.draw(ax=ax, colorby=colorby, **kwargs)
[docs]class CommunityDetection: """ Methods for detecting communities in a Graph. """
[docs] def detect_communities(self, **kwargs): """ Detect communities using InfoMap clustering. Accepts keyword arguments for InfoMap, including: twolevel (bool) - if True, perform two-level clustering, otherwise defaults to multi-level clustering N (int) - number of trials """ self.imap = InfoMap(self.edge_list, **kwargs)
def _assign_community(self, level=None): """ Assign communities using InfoMap clustering. Args: level (int) - module level at which aggregation occurs, starting from the finest resolution Returns: labels (np.ndarray[int]) - community labels ordered by positional index """ return self.imap(self.nodes[self.nodes_order], level)
[docs] def assign_community(self, level=None, key='community'): """ Assign communities using InfoMap clustering. Args: level (int) - module level at which aggregation occurs, starting from the finest resolution key (str) - name of community attribute """[key] = self._assign_community(level=level)
[docs]class Graph(TopologicalProperties, SpatialProperties, CommunityDetection, GraphVisualizationMethods): """ Object provides an undirected unweighted graph connecting adjacent cells. Attributes: data (pd.DataFrame) - cell measurement data (nodes) xykey (list) - attribute keys for node x/y positions G (nx.Graph) - undirected graph instance nodes (np.ndarray[int]) - node indices edges (np.ndarray[int]) - pairs of connected node indices node_map (vectorized func) - maps positional index to node index position_map (vectorized func) - maps node index to positional index tri (matplotlib.tri.Triangulation) - triangulation of node positions """ def __init__(self, data, xykey=None): """ Instantiate Graph object. Args: data (pd.DataFrame) - cell measurement data (nodes) xykey (list) - attribute keys for node x/y positions """ # set xykey if xykey is None: xykey = ['centroid_x', 'centroid_y'] self.xykey = xykey # store data = data # instantiate community detection self.community_labels = None self.imap = None # define mapping from position to node index position_to_node = dict(enumerate(data.index)) self.node_map = np.vectorize(position_to_node.get) # define reverse map node_to_position = {v: k for k, v in position_to_node.items()} self.position_map = np.vectorize(node_to_position.get) # triangulate self.tri = self._construct_triangulation(data, xykey) # build networkx graph instance self.G = self.get_networkx()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns deep copy of graph instance. """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def get_subgraph(self, ind): """ Instantiate subgraph from DataFrame indices. """ return Graph([ind], xykey=self.xykey)
[docs] def get_networkx(self, *node_attributes): """ Returns networkx instance of graph. Args: node_attributes (str) - attributes to be added for each node """ G = nx.Graph() G.add_weighted_edges_from(self.edge_list) # add node attributes for attr in node_attributes: if attr is not None: values_dict = dict([self.nodes][attr]) nx.set_node_attributes(G, name=attr, values=values_dict) return G
[docs] def get_correlations(self, attribute, log=True): """ Returns SpatialCorrelation object for <attribute>. Args: attribute (str) - name of attribute log (bool) - if True, log-transform attribute values Returns: correlations (SpatialCorrelation) """ d_ij = self.unique_distances C = self.get_fluctuations_matrix(attribute, log=log) C_ij = self.get_matrix_upper(C) return SpatialCorrelation(d_ij, C_ij)
@staticmethod def _construct_triangulation(data, xykey, **kwargs): """ Construct Delaunay triangulation with edge filter. Args: data (pd.DataFrame) - node measurement data xykey (list) - attribute keys for node x/y coordinates kwargs: keyword arguments for triangulation """ pts = data[xykey].values return LocalTriangulation(*pts.T, **kwargs)
[docs]class WeightedGraph(Graph): """ Object provides an undirected weighted graph connecting adjacent cells. Edge weights are evaluated based on the similarity of expression between pairs of connected nodes. Node similariy is based on the cell measurement data attribute specified by the 'weighted_by' parameter. Attributes: weighted_by (str) - data attribute used to weight edges imap (spatial.InfoMap) - community detection community_labels (np.ndarray[int]) - community label for each node logratio (bool) - if True, weight edges by log ratio distance (bool) - if True, weights edges by distance rather than similarity Inherited attributes: data (pd.DataFrame) - cell measurement data (nodes) xykey (list) - attribute keys for node x/y positions nodes (np.ndarray[int]) - node indices edges (np.ndarray[int]) - pairs of connected node indices node_map (vectorized func) - maps positional index to node index position_map (vectorized func) - maps node index to positional index tri (matplotlib.tri.Triangulation) - triangulation of node positions """ def __init__(self, data, weighted_by, xykey=None, logratio=True, distance=False): """ Instantiate weighted graph. Args: data (pd.DataFrame) - cell measurement data weighted_by (str) - data attribute used to weight edges xykey (list) - attribute keys for node x/y positions logratio (bool) - if True, weight edges by log ratio distance (bool) - if True, weights edges by distance """ # set attributes self.weighted_by = weighted_by self.logratio = logratio self.distance = distance # instantiate graph super().__init__(data, xykey) @property def edge_list(self): """ Distance-filtered edges as (from, to, weight) tuples. """ if self.weighted_by not in (None, 'none', 'None'): weights = self.evaluate_edge_weights() unpack = lambda e, w: (int(e[0]), int(e[1]), w) edge_list = [unpack(e, w) for e, w in zip(self.edges, weights)] else: edge_list = super().edge_list return edge_list
[docs] def evaluate_edge_weights(self): """ Evaluate edge weights. Returns: weights (np.ndarray[float]) - edge weights """ wf = WeightFunction(, weighted_by=self.weighted_by, distance=self.distance) return wf.assess_weights(self.edges, logratio=self.logratio)
[docs]class WeightFunction: """ Object for weighting graph edges by similarity. Attributes: data (pd.DataFrame) - nodes data weighted_by (str) - node attribute used to assess similarity values (pd.Series) - node attribute values distance (bool) - if True, weights edges by distance """ def __init__(self, data, weighted_by='r', distance=False): """ Instantiate edge weighting function. Args: data (pd.DataFrame) - nodes data weighted_by (str) - node attribute used to assess similarity distance (bool) - if True, weights edges by distance """ = data self.weighted_by = weighted_by self.values = data[weighted_by] self.distance = distance
[docs] def difference(self, i, j): """ Evaluate difference in values between nodes i and j. Args: i, j (ind) - node indices Returns: difference (float) """ return np.abs(self.values.loc[i] - self.values.loc[j])
[docs] def logratio(self, i, j): """ Evaluate log ratio between nodes i and j. Args: i, j (ind) - node indices Returns: logratio (float) """ return np.abs(np.log(self.values.loc[i]/self.values.loc[j]))
[docs] def assess_weights(self, edges, logratio=False): """ Evaluate edge weights normalized by mean difference in node values. Args: edges (list of (i, j) tuples) - edges between nodes i and j logratio (bool) - if True, weight edges by logratio Returns: weights (np.ndarray[float]) - edge weights """ if logratio: energy = np.array([self.logratio(*e) for e in edges]) else: energy = np.array([self.difference(*e) for e in edges]) weights = np.exp(-energy/np.mean(energy)) # invert similarities to distances if self.distance: weights = 1 - weights return weights
[docs]class NetworkxGraphVisualization: """ Object for visualizing a NetworkX Graph object. Attributes: G (nx.Graph) - networkx graph object pos (np.ndarray[float]) - 2D node positions """ def __init__(self, G, pos): """ Instantiate graph visualization. Args: G (nx.Graph) - networkx graph object pos (np.ndarray[float]) - 2D node positions """ self.G = G self.pos = pos
[docs] def build_cmap(self, colorby): """ Build colormap. """ levels = [v for k,v in nx.get_node_attributes(self.G, colorby).items()] N = np.unique(levels).size colors = np.random.random(size=(N, 3)) return ListedColormap(colors, 'indexed', N)
[docs] def draw(self, ax=None, colorby=None, edge_color='k', node_color='k', cmap=None, **kwargs): """ Draw graph. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) - axis on which to draw graph colorby (str) - node attribute on which nodes/edges are colored edge_color, node_color (str) - edge/node colors, overrides colorby node_cmap (matplotlib.colors.ColorMap) - node colormap """ assert (colorby is not None or node_color is not None), 'Either node color or colorby attribute must be specified.' assert (colorby is not None or edge_color is not None), 'Either edge color or colorby attribute must be specified.' # create figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) # build colormap if cmap is None and None in (edge_color, node_color): cmap = self.build_cmap(colorby=colorby) # assign node color if node_color is None: get_color = lambda x: cmap(int(x)) node_colors = [get_color(v) for k, v in nx.get_node_attributes(self.G, colorby).items()] else: node_colors = [node_color for _ in self.G.nodes] # assign edge color if edge_color is None: node_value = lambda index: self.G.node[index][colorby] node_color = lambda index: cmap(node_value(index)) edge_colors = [node_color(u) for u,v in self.G.edges] else: edge_colors = [edge_color for _ in self.G.edges] # draw graph self._draw(ax, self.G, self.pos, node_colors, edge_colors, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _draw(ax, G, pos, node_colors, edge_colors, node_alpha=1, node_size=20, node_edgewidth=0., lw=3, edge_alpha=0.5, **kwargs): """ Draw graph. Args: G (nx.Graph) - graph object pos (np.ndarray[float]) - node xy positions in space (graph layout) node_colors (array like) - node values edge_colors (array like) - edge colors node_alpha (float) - node transparency node_size (float) - node size node_edgewidth (float) - linewidth of node outline lw (float) - maximum edge linewidth edge_alpha (float) - edge line transparency kwargs: keyword arguments for nx.draw_networkx_nodes """ # extract edge weights edge_weights = [x[-1]['weight'] for x in G.edges(data=True)] # draw edges norm = Normalize(vmin=min(edge_weights), vmax=max(edge_weights)) edge_widths = [norm(w)*lw for w in edge_weights] nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, ax=ax, edge_color=edge_colors, width=edge_widths, alpha=edge_alpha) # draw nodes nodeCollection = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=pos, ax=ax, node_color=node_colors, node_alpha=node_alpha, node_size=node_size, linewidths=node_edgewidth, **kwargs) ax.axis('off')