Source code for flyqma.annotation.classification.visualization

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, Normalize

from ...visualization import *

[docs]class MixtureVisualization: """ Methods for visualizing a mixture-model based classifier. """ @property def label_colors(self): """ RGB color for each class label. """ component_to_label = np.vectorize(self.component_to_label.get) labels = component_to_label(np.arange(self.num_components)) label_colors = self.cmap(labels)[:, :-1] return label_colors @property def support(self): """ Model support. """ return @property def esupport(self): """ Empirical support vector (sorted values). """ return np.sort(self.values, axis=0) @property def epdf(self): """ Empirical PDF over support. """ num_bins = self.num_samples // 25 bins = np.linspace(,, num_bins) counts, edges = np.histogram(self.values, bins=bins, normed=True) bin_centers = [(edges[i]+edges[i+1])/2. for i in range(len(edges)-1)] return edges[:-1], counts @property def ecdf(self): """ Empirical CDF over support. """ return np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.values), endpoint=False) @property def pdf(self): """ Model PDF over support. """ return self.model.pdf @property def component_pdfs(self): """ Weighted component PDFs over support. """ return self.model.component_pdfs @property def component_cdfs(self): """ Returns weighted CDF of each component over support. """ cdfs = np.vstack([x.cdf( for x in self.model.components]) cdfs *= self.model.weights_.reshape(-1, 1) return cdfs @property def support_labels(self): """ Labels for support vector. """ return self.classifier(, 1)) @default_figure def plot_pdf(self, density=1000, alpha=0.5, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, ax=None): """ Plot model density function, colored by output label. """ # plot model pdf segments, colored by output label support_labels = self.support_labels breakpoints = [0]+list(np.diff(support_labels).nonzero()[0]+1)+[None] for i, bp in enumerate(breakpoints[:-1]): indices = slice(bp, breakpoints[i+1]) segment_support =[indices] segment_pdf = self.pdf[indices] segment_labels = support_labels[indices] segment_color = self.cmap(segment_labels) ax.fill_between(segment_support, segment_pdf, color=segment_color) # plot overall model pdf ax.plot(, self.pdf, '-', c='k', lw=2) # format axis if ymax is None: maxima = self.pdf[argrelextrema(self.pdf, np.greater)] ymax = 2.5*np.product(maxima)**(1/maxima.size) ax.set_xlim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) ax.set_xlabel('Values', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('Density', fontsize=8) @default_figure def plot_pdfs(self, empirical=False, line=True, fill=True, density=1000, alpha=0.5, cmap=None, vmin=-1, xmax=None, ymax=None, ax=None): """ Plot density function for each distribution, colored by output label. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) - if None, create figure empirical (bool) - if True, include empirical PDF """ # define colormap if cmap is not None: colormap = self.build_colormap(cmap, vmin) else: colormap = self.cmap # plot empirical pdf if empirical: ax.step(*self.epdf, where='post', color='r', linewidth=1) # plot individual component pdfs for i, pdf in enumerate(self.component_pdfs): color = colormap(self.component_to_label[i]) if line: ax.plot(, pdf, color=color, alpha=alpha, lw=1.) if fill: ax.fill_between(, pdf, facecolors=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=1., rasterized=True) # plot model pdf ax.plot(, self.pdf, '--', c='k', lw=1) # format axis if ymax is None: maxima = self.pdf[argrelextrema(self.pdf, np.greater)] ymax = 2.5*np.product(maxima)**(1/maxima.size) ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) ax.set_xlim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) ax.set_xlabel('Values', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('Density', fontsize=8) @default_figure def plot_cdfs(self, log=True,, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot component cumulative distribution functions as stackplot. """ def to_linear(support): """ Convert support to linear basis. """ return np.exp(support) # log transform data support, esupport =, self.esupport if not log: support, esupport = to_linear(support), to_linear(esupport) # get component CDFs component_cdfs = self.component_cdfs # plot weighted CDF for each component means = self.means values = self.values norm = Normalize(vmin=self.values.min(), vmax=self.values.max()) order = np.argsort(means) colors = cmap(norm(means[order])) ax.stackplot(support, component_cdfs[order], colors=colors, **kwargs) # plot empirical CDF (data) ax.plot(esupport, self.ecdf, '-r', lw=1.) # plot mixture CDF ax.plot(support, component_cdfs.sum(axis=0), '--k', lw=1)
class BivariateMixtureVisualization: @property def support(self): """ Model support. """ return self.model.supportx @property def esupport(self): """ Empirical support vector (sorted values). """ return np.sort(self.values[:, 0]) @property def pdf(self): """ Model PDF over support. """ return self.model[0].pdf @property def component_pdfs(self): """ Weighted component PDFs over support. """ return self.model[0].component_pdfs @property def component_cdfs(self): """ Returns weighted CDF of each component over support. """ model = self.model[0] cdfs = np.vstack([x.cdf( for x in model.components]) cdfs *= model.weights_.reshape(-1, 1) return cdfs @property def support_labels(self): """ Labels for support vector (over x margin). """ margin = self.marginalize(0) return margin.classifier(, 1)) @joint_figure def plot_bivariate_pdf(self, fig, bg='w', **kwargs): """ Plot bivariate PDF, with each cluster shaded by its label. """ pdfs = self.model.component_pdfs # plot each bivariate pdf, colored by label norm = Normalize(pdfs.min(), pdfs.max()) fig.ax_joint.set_facecolor(bg) for idx, pdf in enumerate(pdfs): ccm = build_transparent_cmap(self.label_colors[idx], bg=bg) fig.ax_joint.imshow(norm(pdf), cmap=ccm, extent=self.model.extent) # plot marginal pdfs self.model.plot_margin(0, ax=fig.ax_xmargin, component_color=self.label_colors) self.model.plot_margin(1, invert=True, ax=fig.ax_ymargin, component_color=self.label_colors) fig.ax_xmargin.set_xlim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) fig.ax_ymargin.set_ylim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) return fig @joint_figure def plot_bivariate_data(self, fig, bg='w', **kwargs): """ Plot bivariate data, with each sample shaded by its label. """ # define label colors marker_labels = self.classifier(self.model.values) marker_colors = self.cmap(marker_labels)[:, :-1] # plot each bivariate pdf, colored by label fig.ax_joint.set_facecolor(bg) self.model.plot_data(ax=fig.ax_joint, c=marker_colors, **kwargs) fig.ax_joint.set_xlim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) fig.ax_joint.set_ylim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) fig.ax_joint.invert_yaxis() fig.ax_joint.set_yticks(fig.ax_joint.get_xticks()) # plot marginal pdfs self.model.plot_margin(0, ax=fig.ax_xmargin, component_color=self.label_colors) self.model.plot_margin(1, invert=True, ax=fig.ax_ymargin, component_color=self.label_colors) fig.ax_xmargin.set_xlim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) fig.ax_ymargin.set_ylim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) return fig @joint_figure def plot_phase_space(self, fig, bg='w', **kwargs): """ Plot phase space, with each region shaded by its label. """ labels = self.classifier( labels = labels.reshape(self.model.support_size) l, u = self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound extent = (l, u, u, l) fig.ax_joint.imshow(self.cmap(labels), extent=extent) # plot marginal pdfs self.model.plot_margin(0, ax=fig.ax_xmargin, component_color=self.label_colors) self.model.plot_margin(1, invert=True, ax=fig.ax_ymargin, component_color=self.label_colors) fig.ax_xmargin.set_xlim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) fig.ax_ymargin.set_ylim(self.model.lbound, self.model.ubound) return fig