.. image:: graphics/Northwestern_purple_RGB.png :width: 30% :align: right :alt: nulogo =============== FlyEye Analysis =============== **FlyEye Analysis** is part of the NU FlyEye platform for studying gene expression in *Drosophila* imaginal discs. The analysis package helps users analyze data measured using `FlyEye Silhouette `_. Given one or more ``.silhouette`` files, FlyEye Analysis facilitates: - **Data Querying.** Select cells by developmental age and cell type - **Dynamic Measurements.** Infer expression dynamics from static data - **Dynamic Analysis.** Analyze and visualize expression dynamics - **Spatial Analysis.** Detect and quantify spatial expression patterns Check out our `guide `_ for tips on getting started with analyzing your own microscopy data. Pipeline Overview ----------------- .. figure:: graphics/pipeline.png :align: center :alt: flyeye-pipeline .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 INSTALLATION GETTING STARTED EXAMPLE USAGE DOCUMENTATION CONTACT