Source code for flyeye.processing.triangulation

from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cmaps
from matplotlib import colors
import matplotlib.gridspec as gs

from ..dynamics.averages import get_rolling_mean
from ..dynamics.visualization import plot_mean

[docs]class Triangulation: """ Object for estimating the median distance between adjacent columns of R8 cells within an individual eye disc. Distance estimate is obtained by constructing a Delaunay graph connecting all annotated R8 neurons, filtering the edges by length and angle relative to the horizontal axis, then evaluating the median x-component of remaining edges. The median inter-column distance is multiplied by the estimated MF velocity (0.5 columns/hr) to generate a distance-to-time scaling factor. Attributes: params (dict) - triangulation parameters, {name: value} xycoords (np.ndarray) - R8 cell positions delaunay (scipy.spatial.tri) - Delaunay triangulation distances (np.ndarray) - distances between adjacent R8 cells edges (np.ndarray) - edge vertices hours_per_pixel (float) - distance to time scaling factor disc (data.discs.Disc) """ def __init__(self, disc, furrow_velocity=2, threshold=None, min_angle=30, max_angle=60, include_x=True, include_y=False): """ Instantiate object for estimating the median distance between adjacent columns of R8 cells. Args: disc (data.discs.Disc) furrow_velocity (float) - furrow inverse-velocity (hours per column) threshold (float) - max. quantile of included distances, 0 to 100 min_angle, max_angle (float) - min/max angle of included edges include_x (bool) - if True, include x-distance include_y (bool) - if True, include y-distance """ self.triangulate(disc, furrow_velocity, threshold, min_angle=min_angle, max_angle=max_angle, include_x=include_x, include_y=include_y) self.params = {'furrow_velocity': furrow_velocity, 'threshold': threshold, 'min_angle': min_angle, 'max_angle': max_angle, 'include_x': include_x, 'include_y': include_y} def __call__(self, disc): """ Apply distance to time scaling to a disc. Args: disc (data.discs.Disc) Returns: disc (data.discs.Disc) - disc with estimated developmental times """ disc = self._apply_time_scaling(disc, self.hours_per_pixel) return disc
[docs] def get_disc(self): """ Return disc. """ return self.disc
@staticmethod def _apply_time_scaling(disc, hours_per_pixel): """ Update developmental times. Args: disc (data.discs.Disc) hours_per_pixel (float) - distance to time scaling factor Returns: disc (data.discs.Disc) - disc with estimated developmental times """['t'] = * hours_per_pixel return disc @staticmethod def _get_delaunay(xycoords): """ Return Delaunay triangulation for xy points. """ return Delaunay(xycoords) @staticmethod def _get_edges(delaunay, min_angle=30, max_angle=60, include_x=True, include_y=False): """ Get distances between adjacent R8 neurons. """ # get indices of vertex neighbors indices, indptr = delaunay.vertex_neighbor_vertices # iterate through all R8 cells distances, edges = [], [] for k, (x1, y1) in enumerate(delaunay.points): # get all neighbors of current R8 neighbors = delaunay.points[indptr[indices[k]:indices[k+1]]] # if neighbor is within a 30-60 degree angle from horizontal, include x-coordinate of its distance for x2, y2 in neighbors: theta = np.arctan(abs((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))) # if neighbor is within the specified angle from horizontal, include distance if theta >= min_angle*np.pi/180 and theta <= max_angle*np.pi/180: distances.append(np.sqrt(((x2-x1)**2)*include_x + ((y2-y1)**2)*include_y)) edges.append([[x1, x2], [y1, y2]]) return np.array(distances), np.array(edges) @staticmethod def _filter_edges_by_length(distances, edges, threshold=1.75): """ Filter edges by length. Length threshold is computed as a multiple of the median edge length. Args: distances (np.ndarray) - edge lengths edges (np.ndarray) - edges threshold (float) - maximum multiple of median length Returns: distances (np.ndarray) - filtered edge lengths edges (np.ndarray) - filtered edges """ indices = np.where(distances < threshold*np.median(distances))[0] return distances[indices], edges[indices]
[docs] def triangulate(self, disc, furrow_velocity=2, threshold=None, min_angle=30, max_angle=60, include_x=True, include_y=False): """ Run triangulation. Args: disc (data.discs.Disc) furrow_velocity (float) - furrow inverse-velocity (hr/column) threshold (float) - max quantile of included distances, 0 to 100 min_angle, max_angle (float) - min/max angle of included edges include_x (bool) - if True, include x-distance include_y (bool) - if True, include y-distance """ # get coordinates xycoords =['r8'][['centroid_x', 'centroid_y']].values self.xycoords = xycoords # get triangulation self.delaunay = self._get_delaunay(xycoords) # get edges self.distances, self.edges = self._get_edges(self.delaunay, min_angle=min_angle, max_angle=max_angle, include_x=include_x, include_y=include_y) # filter edges if threshold is not None: self.distances, self.edges = self._filter_edges_by_length(distances=self.distances, edges=self.edges, threshold=threshold) # compute mean distance to time scaling self.hours_per_pixel = furrow_velocity/np.mean(self.distances) # update time vector self.disc = self._apply_time_scaling(disc, self.hours_per_pixel)
@staticmethod def _get_log2_fold_change(values): return np.log2(values/values.mean()) @classmethod def _add_edges_to_plot(cls, distances, edges, ax, hours_per_pixel, cmap=cmaps.coolwarm): """ Add delaunay edges to existing axes. """ # get scores for colormap scores = cls._get_log2_fold_change(distances) # plot lines for edge, score in zip(edges, scores): times = [x * hours_per_pixel for x in edge[0]] ax.plot(times, edge[1], '-', linewidth=2, alpha=1, color=cmap.to_rgba(score), zorder=1) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlabel('time (hr)')
[docs] def add_edges_to_plot(self, ax, cmap=cmaps.coolwarm): """ Add delaunay edges to existing axes. """ cmap = self.get_colormap(cmap) self._add_edges_to_plot(distances=self.distances, edges=self.edges, ax=ax, hours_per_pixel=self.hours_per_pixel, cmap=cmap) ax.set_ylim(self.xycoords[:, 1].min(), self.xycoords[:, 1].max())
@staticmethod def get_colormap(cmap=cmaps.coolwarm): norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=-1, vmax=1) colormap = cmaps.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) return colormap @classmethod def _plot_histogram(cls, values, ax=None, dist_type='x'): """ Plot colored histogram for a set of values. """ # get colormap cmap = cls.get_colormap(cmap=cmaps.coolwarm) # histogram values counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(values) bin_centers = [(edge+bin_edges[i+1])/2 for i, edge in enumerate(bin_edges[:-1])] scores = np.log2(bin_centers / np.mean(values)) patches =[:-1], counts, width=(bin_edges[1]-bin_edges[0]), color=[cmap.to_rgba(score) for score in scores]) # format plot ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim(0, 100) ax.text(95, .9*max(counts), s=' Mean: {:0.1f} px'.format(np.mean(values)), ha='right', va='top') ax.text(95, .9*max(counts), s='\n Med.: {:0.1f} px'.format(np.median(values)), ha='right', va='top') ax.text(95, .9*max(counts), s='\n\n N = {:d}'.format(int(len(values)/2)), ha='right', va='top') _ = ax.set_xlabel(dist_type+'-distance') _ = ax.set_ylabel('edges') return counts, bin_edges, patches
[docs] def plot_histogram(self, ax): """ Histogram inter-R8 distances. """ dist_type = self.params['include_x']*'x'+self.params['include_y']*'y' self._plot_histogram(self.distances, ax=ax, dist_type=dist_type)
@staticmethod def _plot_expression(ax, disc, channel, hours_per_pixel, window_size=100, color='black', alpha=1): """ Plot expression trajectories. """ cells = disc.select_cell_type('pre') cells.plot_dynamics(channel, ax=ax, line_kw={'color': color, 'alpha': alpha, 'lw': 2}) # format x axis ax.set_ylim(0, 2) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim(-15, 55) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-10, 60, step=10)) ax.set_xticklabels([str(int(round(label, 0))) for label in ax.get_xticks()])
[docs] def plot_expression(self, ax, channel, **kwargs): """ Plot expression trajectory. """ self._plot_expression(ax, self.disc, channel, self.hours_per_pixel, **kwargs)
[docs] def overlay_epression(self, ax, channel, **kwargs): """ Plot expression trajectory on twin y-axis. """ ax_alt = ax.twinx() self.plot_expression(ax_alt, channel, **kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, gs_parent=None, include_expression=True, channel=None, is_subplot=False, **kwargs): """ Plot inter-R8 distance distribution, Delaunay triangulation, and expression. """ # retriangulate self.triangulate(self.disc, **self.params) # create axes if gs_parent is None: fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(6, 2)) else: gs_child = gs.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 1.5], subplot_spec=gs_parent, hspace=0) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs_child[0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs_child[1]) is_subplot = True # add colorbar self.add_colorbar(ax1, is_subplot=is_subplot) # plot edges, expression, and histogram self.add_edges_to_plot(ax1, cmap=cmaps.coolwarm) if include_expression and channel is not None: self.overlay_epression(ax1, channel, **kwargs) self.plot_histogram(ax=ax0) plt.tight_layout() return ax0, ax1
@staticmethod def add_colorbar(ax, is_subplot=False, fraction=0.2): mappable = ax.scatter([1e6, 1e6], [0, 0], alpha=1, c=[-1, 1], cmap=cmaps.coolwarm) cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable=mappable, ax=ax, fraction=fraction) # simplify colorbar for subplots if is_subplot is False: cbar.set_ticks([-1, 0.35])['compressed', 'stretched'], rotation='vertical', fontsize=6, ha='left', va='bottom') cbar.set_label('Log2(F.C. wrt mean)', fontsize=8) else: cbar.set_ticks([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]), labelsize=8) cbar.set_label('Log2(F.C. wrt mean)', fontsize=8)
[docs]class ExperimentTriangulation: """ Object for estimating the median distance between adjacent columns of R8 cells for each disc within an experiment. Distance estimate is obtained by constructing a Delaunay graph connecting all annotated R8 neurons, filtering the edges by length and angle relative to the horizontal axis, then evaluating the median x-component of remaining edges. The median inter-column distance is multiplied by the estimated MF velocity (0.5 columns/hr) to generate a distance-to-time scaling factor. Attributes: experiment (data.experiments.Experiment) tri (dict) - {disc ID: Triangulation} pairs """ def __init__(self, experiment, **kwargs): """ Instantiate triangulation objects for all discs in an experiment.discs Args: experiment (data.experiments.Experiment) kwargs: triangulation keyword arguments """ discs = experiment.discs self.tri = self._get_triangulations(discs, **kwargs) self.experiment = self._apply_triangulations(experiment, self.tri) def __call__(self): """ Return experiment with updated developmental times. """ return self.experiment @staticmethod def _apply_triangulations(experiment, tri): """ Return experiment with updated developmental times. Args: experiment (data.experiments.Experiment) - experiment to be updated tri (dict) - {disc ID: Triangulation} pairs Returns: experiment (data.experiments.Experiment) - updated experiment """ experiment.discs = {i: t.get_disc() for i, t in tri.items()} return experiment @staticmethod def _get_triangulations(discs, **kwargs): """ Return dictionary of Triangulation objects. Args: discs (dict) - {disc ID: Disc} pairs kwargs: keyword arguments for Triangulation Returns: tri (dict) - {disc ID: Triangulation} pairs """ return {i: Triangulation(disc, **kwargs) for i, disc in discs.items()}
[docs] def plot_expression(self, ax, channel, color='black', **kwargs): """ Plot expression for all triangulations. """ for triangulation in self.triangulations.values(): triangulation.plot_expression(ax, channel=channel, color=color, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_triangulations(self): """ Visualize all triangulations. """ gs_parent = gs.GridSpec(nrows=len(self.triangulations), ncols=1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 1.5*len(self.triangulations))) for i, (triangulation, gs0) in enumerate(zip(self.triangulations.values(), gs_parent)): ax0, ax1 = if i != len(self.triangulations)-1: ax0.set_xticks([]), ax0.set_xlabel('') ax1.set_xticks([]), ax1.set_xlabel('') plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def show_alignment(self, channel, xoffsets=None, ax=None, scatter=False, legend=True, window_size=100, ma_type='sliding', color_wheel='cmyk', figsize=(4, 3)): """ Plot alignment of all discs. """ # assume zero offset for each channel if xoffsets is None: xoffsets = np.zeros(len(self.triangulations)) # create axes if none provided if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # add reference lines ax.plot([0, 0], [0, 3], '--k') ax.plot([-15, 55], [0.25, 0.25], '--k') handles, labels = [], [] for i, triangulation in self.triangulations.items(): # get line color for disc color = color_wheel[i % len(color_wheel)] # get cells disc_cells_data =[np.logical_or('pre','p')] if scatter is True: ax.plot(disc_cells_data.t + xoffsets[i], disc_cells_data[channel], '.', alpha=0.1, color=color) # add line average line = plot_mean(disc_cells_data.t + xoffsets[i], (disc_cells_data[channel]), ax=ax, label='Disc {:d}'.format(i), ma_type=ma_type, window_size=window_size, line_color=color, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.5) handles.append(line[0]), labels.append('Disc {:d}'.format(i)) if legend is True: ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc=0, frameon=False) ax.tick_params(labelsize=16) ax.set_ylim(0, 2) ax.set_ylabel('Fluorescence (a.u.)', fontsize=16) ax.set_xlim(-5, 55) ax.set_xlabel('Time (hr)', fontsize=16)