Source code for flyeye.dynamics.visualization

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .averages import savgol, get_rolling_mean, get_rolling_mean_interval

[docs]def plot_mean(x, y, ax, label=None, ma_type='sliding', window_size=100, resolution=1, line_color='k', line_width=1, line_alpha=1, linestyle=None, markersize=2, smooth=False, **kw): """ Plot moving average. Args: x, y (array like) - timeseries data ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) - axis which to which line is added label (str) - data label ma_type (str) - type of average used, either sliding, binned, or savgol window_size (int) - size of window resolution (int) - sampling interval line_color, line_width, line_alpha, linestyle - formatting parameters smooth (bool) - if True, apply secondary savgol filter Returns: line (matplotlib.lines.Line2D) """ # get moving average (skip first point to avoid outliers) if ma_type == 'savgol': x_av = x[1:] y_av = savgol(y, window_size=window_size, polyorder=1)[1:] else: if ma_type == 'binned': resolution = window_size x_av = get_rolling_mean(x, window_size=window_size, resolution=resolution) y_av = get_rolling_mean(y, window_size=window_size, resolution=resolution) # get line and dashstyles if linestyle == None: linestyle = 'solid' dashstyles = {'solid': (None, None), 'dashed': (2.0, 2.0)} dashstyle = dashstyles[linestyle] # apply secondary smoothing (for visualization) if smooth: sw = int(window_size/5) if sw > 1: y_av = savgol(y_av, window_size=sw, polyorder=1) # plot line line = ax.plot(x_av, y_av, linestyle=linestyle, dashes=dashstyle, lw=line_width, color=line_color, alpha=line_alpha, label=label, markersize=markersize, **kw) return line
[docs]def plot_mean_interval(x, y, ax, ma_type='sliding', window_size=100, resolution=10, nbootstraps=1000, confidence=95, color='grey', alpha=0.25, error_bars=False, lw=0.): """ Adds confidence interval for line average (sliding window or binned) to existing axes. Args: x, y (array like) - data ax (axes) - axis which to which line is added ma_type (str) - type of average used, either 'sliding' or 'binned' window_size (int) - size of sliding window or bin (num of cells) interval_resolution (int) - sampling resolution for confidence interval nbootstraps (int) - number of bootstraps confidence (float) - confidence interval, between 0 and 100 color, alpha - formatting parameters """ if ma_type == 'binned': resolution = window_size x_av = get_rolling_mean(x, window_size=window_size, resolution=resolution) y_av = get_rolling_mean(y, window_size=window_size, resolution=resolution) interval = get_rolling_mean_interval(y, window_size=window_size, resolution=resolution, nbootstraps=nbootstraps, confidence=confidence) y_lower, y_upper = interval.T _ = ax.fill_between(x_av, y_lower, y_upper, color=color, alpha=alpha, lw=lw) if error_bars == True: ax.errorbar(x_av, y_av, yerr=[y_av-y_lower, y_upper-y_av], fmt='-o', color=color)
[docs]class TimeseriesPlot: """ Object describes a 1D timeseries. Attributes: x (np.ndarray) - independent variable y (np.ndarray) - dependent variable ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) """ def __init__(self, x, y, ax=None): """ Instantiate a 1D timeseries. Args: x (np.ndarray) - independent variable y (np.ndarray) - dependent variable ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) """ self.x = x self.y = y # set axis if ax is None: ax = self.create_figure() = ax
[docs] def create_figure(self): """ Instantiate figure. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, figsize=(3, 2)) ax.set_xlim(self.x.min(), self.x.max()) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1*self.y.max()) ax.set_xlabel('Time (h)'), ax.set_ylabel('Expression (a.u.)') return ax
[docs] def scatter(self, color='k', alpha=1, s=1, rasterized=False, **additional): """ Scatterplot markers for x and y data. Args: color (str) - marker color alpha (float) - marker alpha s (float) - marker size rasterized (bool) - if True, rasterize markers """ marker_kw = dict(color=color, s=s, alpha=alpha, lw=0, rasterized=rasterized) _ =, self.y, **marker_kw, **additional)
[docs] def average(self, ma_type='savgol', window_size=100, resolution=1, smooth=True, color='k', alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle=None, **additional ): """ Plot moving average of x and y data. Args: ma_type (str) - type of average, 'savgol', 'sliding', or 'binned' window_size (int) - size of sliding window or bin (num of cells) resolution (int) - sampling resolution for confidence interval smooth (bool) - if True, apply secondary savgol filter color, alpha, lw, linestyle - formatting parameters """ ma_kw = dict(ma_type=ma_type, window_size=window_size, resolution=resolution, smooth=smooth) line_kw = dict(line_color=color, line_alpha=alpha, line_width=lw, linestyle=linestyle) if len(self.y) > window_size: _ = plot_mean(self.x, self.y,, **ma_kw, **line_kw, **additional)
[docs] def interval(self, ma_type='sliding', window_size=100, resolution=25, nbootstraps=1000, confidence=95, color='k', alpha=0.5, **additional): """ Plot confidence interval for moving average of x and y data. Args: ma_type (str) - type of moving average, 'sliding' or 'binned' window_size (int) - size of sliding window or bin (num of cells) resolution (int) - sampling resolution for confidence interval nbootstraps (int) - number of bootstraps confidence (float) - confidence interval, between 0 and 100 color, alpha - formatting parameters """ # define moving average keyword arguments ma_kw = dict(ma_type=ma_type, window_size=window_size, resolution=resolution, nbootstraps=nbootstraps, confidence=confidence) # define interval shading keyword arguments shade_kw = dict(color=color, alpha=alpha) # plot confidence interval if len(self.y) > window_size: plot_mean_interval(self.x, self.y,, **ma_kw, **shade_kw)
[docs] def plot(self, scatter=False, average=True, interval=False, marker_kw={}, line_kw={}, interval_kw={}, ma_kw={}): """ Plot timeseries data. Args: scatter (bool) - if True, add datapoints average (bool) - if True, add moving average interval (bool) - if True, add moving average interval marker_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for marker formatting line_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for line formatting interval_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for interval formatting ma_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for moving average """ # add scattered data if scatter: self.scatter(**marker_kw) # add moving average if average: self.average(**ma_kw, **line_kw) # add confidence interval for moving average if interval: self.interval(**ma_kw, **interval_kw)
[docs]class IntervalPlot(TimeseriesPlot): """ Object describes the 95% confidence interval for a 1D timeseries. Attributes: x (np.ndarray) - independent variable y_lower (np.ndarray) - lower bound for dependent variable y_upper (np.ndarray) - upper bound for dependence variable y (np.ndarray) - mean or median value for dependent variable ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) """ def __init__(self, x, y_lower, y_upper, y=None, ax=None): """ Instantiate a 1D timeseries. Args: x (np.ndarray) - independent variable y_lower (np.ndarray) - lower bound for dependent variable y_upper (np.ndarray) - upper bound for dependence variable y (np.ndarray) - median value for dependent variable ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) """ self.x = x self.y = y self.y_lower = y_lower self.y_upper = y_upper # set axis if ax is None: ax = self.create_figure() = ax
[docs] def average(self, smooth=True, color='k', alpha=1, lw=1, linestyle=None, **addtl): """ Plot moving average of x and y data. Args: smooth (bool) - if True, apply first-order savgol filter color, alpha, lw, linestyle - formatting parameters """ line_kw = dict(color=color, lw=lw, alpha=alpha, linestyle=linestyle), self.y, **line_kw)
[docs] def interval(self, color='k', alpha=0.5, **additional): """ Plot confidence interval for moving average of x and y data. Args: color, alpha - formatting parameters """ shade_kw = dict(color=color, alpha=alpha), self.y_lower, self.y_upper, **shade_kw)
[docs] def plot(self, average=True, interval=False, line_kw={}, interval_kw={}): """ Plot timeseries data. Args: average (bool) - if True, add moving average interval (bool) - if True, add moving average interval line_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for line formatting interval_kw (dict) - keyword arguments for interval formatting """ # add moving average if average: self.average(**line_kw) # add confidence interval for moving average if interval: self.interval(**interval_kw)