Source code for

from os.path import join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from scipy.ndimage import filters, rotate
from scipy.ndimage import grey_closing, median_filter
from copy import deepcopy

from .silhouette import Silhouette

[docs]class Smoothing: """ Smoothing operation applied to images. Default behavior entails three iterations of grey closing followed by a 3-pixel wide median filter. Attributes: niters (int) - number of grey closing iterations size (int) - pixel size of median filter in XY dimensions """ def __init__(self, niters=3, size=3): """ Instantiate smoothing filter. Args: niters (int) - number of grey closing iterations size (int) - pixel size of median filter in XY dimensions """ self.niters = niters self.size = size def __call__(self, im): """ Apply smoothing to image. Args: im (np.ndarray(np.float32)) - pixel values. Shape may be (X,Y), (X,Y,3), or (N,X,Y,3) depending on image type. Returns: im (np.ndarray(np.float32)) """ im = self.grey_closing(im, niters=self.niters) im = self.median_filter(im, size=self.size) return im
[docs] @staticmethod def grey_closing(im, niters=3): """ Apply grey closing operation to image. Args: im (np.ndarray(np.float32)) - pixel values. Shape may be (X,Y), (X,Y,3), or (N,X,Y,3) depending on image type. niters (int) - number of grey closing iterations Returns im (np.ndarray(np.float32)) """ # get filter size shape_to_size = {2: 3, 3: (3,3,1), 4: (1,3,3,1)} filter_size = shape_to_size[len(im.shape)] # apply grey closing for _ in range(niters): im = grey_closing(im, size=filter_size) return im
[docs] @staticmethod def median_filter(im, size=3): """ Apply grey closing operation to image. Args: im (np.ndarray(np.float32)) - pixel values. Shape may be (X,Y), (X,Y,3), or (N,X,Y,3) depending on image type. size (int) - pixel size of median filter in XY dimensions Returns im (np.ndarray(np.float32)) """ # get filter size shape_to_size = {2: size, 3: (size,size,1), 4: (1,size,size,1)} filter_size = shape_to_size[len(im.shape)] return median_filter(im, size=filter_size)
[docs]class ScalarField: """ Object representing a floating-point 2D scalar field that can take on positive or negative values. Attributes: im (np.ndarray[float32]) - scalar values, (X,Y) fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) - image rendering """ def __init__(self, im): """ Instantiate scalar field. Args: im (np.ndarray[float32]) - scalar values, (X,Y) """ = im self.fig = None def __add__(self, image): """ Return pixelwise sum. """ return ScalarField( def __sub__(self, image): """ Return pixelwise difference. """ return ScalarField( def __mul__(self, image): """ Return pixelwise product. """ return ScalarField(* def __truediv__(self, image): """ Return pixelwise ratio. """ with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): im = np.log2( return ScalarField(im) @property def max(self): """ Maximum pixel value. """ return @property def min(self): """ Minimum pixel value. """ return @property def abs_max(self): """ Maximum absolute pixel value. """ return np.abs([self.min, self.max]).max()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_8bit(im): """ Instantiate from 8-bit image. """ return ScalarField(im.astype(np.float64) / 255)
[docs] @staticmethod def uint8_to_float32(im_uint8): """ Convert 8-bit array to floating point values on a 0-1 interval. Args: im_uint8 (np.ndarray[uint8]) Returns: im_float32 (np.ndarray[float32]) """ return im_uint8.astype(np.float64) / 255
@staticmethod def _fliplr(im): """ Flip image array about Y axis. """ return np.fliplr(im)
[docs] def fliplr(self): """ Flip image about Y axis. """ = self._fliplr(
@staticmethod def _rotate(im, angle=0): """ Rotate image array. """ return rotate(im, angle)
[docs] def rotate(self, angle): """ Apply rotation to image. """ = self._rotate(, angle=angle)
[docs] def apply_colormap(self, cmap, vmin=0, vmax=2): """ Render image to RGB format using provided colormap. Args: cmap (matplotlib.colors.ColorMap) vmin, vmax (int) - color map scale Returns: im (np.ndarray[float]) - RGB image """ norm = Normalize(vmin, vmax) return cmap(norm(
@staticmethod def _get_crop_indices(im, xlow=0, xhigh=1, ylow=0, yhigh=1): """ Compute image index boundaries from fractional bounds. """ im_shape = im.shape[0:2] ymin, ymax = int(im_shape[0]*ylow), int(im_shape[0]*yhigh) xmin, xmax = int(im_shape[1]*xlow), int(im_shape[1]*xhigh) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
[docs] def get_crop_indices(self, **kwargs): """ Compute image index boundaries from fractional bounds. """ return self._get_crop_indices(, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_filter(self, func): """ Apply filter to image. Args: func (function) - function operating on image array """ = func(
[docs] def smooth(self, **kwargs): """ Smooth image. kwargs: keyword arguments for smoothing operation """ # instantiate smoothing operation smoothing = Smoothing(**kwargs) # apply smoothing operation self.apply_filter(smoothing)
[docs] def save(self, name, directory='./', dpi=300, fmt='png', transparent=True): """ Save rendered image. Args: name (str) - file name directory (str) - target directory dpi (int) - resolution fmt (str) - image format transparent (bool) - if True, remove background """ path = join(directory, name+'.'+fmt) self.fig.savefig(path, dpi=dpi, format=fmt, transparent=transparent)
[docs] def render(self, size=(2, 2), cmap=None, vmin=0, vmax=1, ax=None): """ Render image. Args: size (tuple) - figure size cmap ( - colormap, defaults to Greys vmin, vmax (float) - colorscale bounds ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) - if None, create figure """ # create figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size) self.fig = fig # set colormap if cmap is None: cmap = # visualize image ax.imshow(, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([])
[docs]class Image(ScalarField): """ Object contains a floating point three channel image. Attributes: im (np.ndarray[float32]) - RGB pixel values, (X,Y,3) """ def __init__(self, im): """ Instantiate image. Args: im (np.ndarray[float32]) - RGB pixel values, (X,Y,3) """ super().__init__(im) def __getitem__(self, channel): """ Return scalar field of a single color channel. Args: channel (str) - channel to extract, one of 'r', 'g', or 'b' Returns: image (ScalarField) """ return ScalarField([:, :, 'rgb'.index(channel)])
[docs] @staticmethod def load_image(path): """ Load image from <path>. """ img_format = path.rsplit('.')[-1] if img_format.lower() != 'png': raise UserWarning('PIL library is required for non-png formats.') # read image (non-PNG formats require pillow library) im = mpimg.imread(path) return im
[docs] @staticmethod def from_tiff(path, **kwargs): """ Read image file using matplotlib.image.imread. All formats except PNG require pillow or PIL. PNG images are converted from 8-bit to floating point format by default, while other image formats must be manually converted. Args: path (str) - image path kwargs: keyword arguments for Image instantiation Returns: im (data.image.Image) """ im = Image.load_image(path) # convert to floating point format (float32) if im.dtype == np.uint8: im = uint8_to_float32(im) return Image(im, **kwargs)
[docs] def build_colorfilter(self, scheme='rgb', channels='rgb', reference='r'): """ Build filter for converting between RGB and MG colorschemes. Args: scheme (str) - colorscheme, 'rgb' or 'mg' channels (str) - included channels, one or more of 'rgbmg' reference (str) - reference channel (used for rgb to mg conversion) Returns: colorfilter (np.ndarray[np.float32]) - multiplicative colorfilter """ colorfilter = np.identity(3, dtype=np.float32) # MG schemes if scheme == 'mg': if reference == 'r': # channel blue to red colorfilter[0, 0] = 0 colorfilter[2, 0] = 1 else: # channel red to blue colorfilter[2, 2] = 0 colorfilter[0, 2] = 1 if 'm' not in channels: colorfilter[2, 0] = 0 colorfilter[0, 2] = 0 colorfilter[2, 2] = 0 colorfilter[0, 0] = 0 if 'g' not in channels: colorfilter[1, 1] = 0 # RGB schemes else: for i, c in enumerate(scheme): if c not in channels: colorfilter[:, i] = 0 return colorfilter
@staticmethod def _apply_colorfilter(im, colorfilter): """ Apply colorfilter to image array. Args: im (np.ndarray[float32]) - RGB pixel values, (X,Y,3) colorfilter (np.ndarray[np.float32]) - multiplicative colorfilter Returns: im_filtered (np.ndarray[float32]) - new color values, (X,Y,3) """ return, colorfilter)
[docs] def render(self, ax=None, size=(2, 2), scheme='rgb', channels='rgb', reference='r'): """ Render image. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) - if None, create figure size (tuple) - image size, used if no axis provided scheme (str) - colorscheme, 'rgb' or 'mg' channels (str) - included channels, one or more of 'rgbmg' reference (str) - reference channel (used for rgb to mg conversion) Returns: ax (matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot) """ # apply colorfilter colorfilter = self.build_colorfilter(scheme, channels, reference) im = self._apply_colorfilter(, colorfilter) # create axes and render image if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=size) # render image ax.imshow(im) ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([]) return ax
[docs]class ImageStack(Image): """ Object representing a 3D stack of RGB image layers. Stack is compiled from sequentially numbered images of each layer within a silhouette file. Attributes: im (np.ndarray[float32]) - RGB pixel values. Array is shaped (N,X,Y,3) where N is the number of layers and (X,Y) are the dimensions of a single cross section. """ def __init__(self, im): """ Instantiate image stack. Args: im (np.ndarray[float32]) - RGB pixel values, (N,X,Y,3) """ super().__init__(im) def __getitem__(self, layer_id): """ Returns RGB image of individual layer. """ return self.get_layer(layer_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_silhouette(path, fmt='png'): """ Load imagestack from sequentially numbered images of each layer. Args: path (str) - path to silhouette file fmt (str) - image format for all layers Returns: stack (data.image.ImageStack) """ # load feed file containing layer indices silhouette = Silhouette(path) # iterate across layer ims = [] for layer in sorted(silhouette.feed['layer_ids']): im_path = join(path, '{:d}.{:s}'.format(layer, fmt)) # read image im = Image.load_image(im_path) # convert to floating point format (float32) if im.dtype == np.uint8: im = uint8_to_float32(im) # append to imagestack ims.append(im) # compile image stack im = np.stack(ims) # flip about yz if silhouette.flip_about_yz: im = im[:, ::-1, :, :] # flip about xy if silhouette.flip_about_xy: im = im[::-1, :, :, :] return ImageStack(im)
[docs] def get_layer(self, layer_id): """ Return RGB image of individual layer. Args: layer_id (int) - layer number Returns: image (data.image.Image) """ return Image([layer_id])
[docs] def project_max(self, min_layer=0, max_layer=-1): """ Return maximum intensity projection across specified layers. Args: min_layer (int) - lower layer bound max_layer (int) - upper layer bound Returns: image (data.image.Image) """ projection =[min_layer: max_layer].max(axis=0) return Image(projection)
[docs] def project_mean(self, min_layer=0, max_layer=-1): """ Return mean intensity projection across specified layers. Args: min_layer (int) - lower layer bound max_layer (int) - upper layer bound Returns: image (data.image.Image) """ projection =[min_layer: max_layer].mean(axis=0) return Image(projection)